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Celebrity Personal Trainer And Fitness Influencer Bradley Simmonds Will Help You Get It Done!

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Personal trainer and fitness influencer Bradley Simmonds has gone from strength to strength becoming a huge social media sensation, providing fitness enthusiasts around the world with new workout routines and motivational posts on a daily basis. 

Simmonds’ introduction to fitness comes from his background as a professional footballer for clubs such as Chelsea FC and Queens Park Rangers.

From there he learnt from some of the best nutritionists and strength and conditioning coaches in the game, which inspired him in his pursuit for a new career following some horrific sports injuries into the path of becoming a personal trainer, 5 years ago aged 20. 

His debut book “Get it Done’ has been published, and made it into the Sunday Times Top 10 for Food and Drink.

Last year Bradley launched his fitness platform Get It Done, a fitness website that offers live daily workouts, as well as yoga, Pilates and boxing on-demand with a number of highly qualified trainers. It also offers weekly Q&As with health experts such as top nutritionists and doctors.  

And speaking of Q&As leads us nicely into Bradley kindly giving up some time to talk to us on all things health and fitness.

You’ve had some serious injuries back in the day whilst playing for QPR, how did that affect you mentally?

It had always been my dream to play in the premier league, so it was a huge setback for me which I found really tough mentally. To be honest, I didn’t cope with it well to begin with.

I don’t think many 17-year-olds would after suffering two major injuries. But thankfully I found the motivation to bounce back each time. 

Would you say that coming back from those injuries has been your biggest challenge?

Physically, it’s always tough coming back from major injuries. You have to put in a lot of hard work to ensure you come back stronger.

And of course, mentally – because it’s no fun spending the majority of your short career in a physio room watching your teammate train and play every day. Keeping yourself motivated and hungry is always a challenge in those situations.

What’s your favourite and least favourite exercise?

I love any exercise or workout that pushes me and helps me progress… but if I had to choose one machine I fear the most it would be the assault bike. 

If a client is not so nice is there an exercise you make them do that makes you smile inside? 

Chest-to-floor burpees are always a great exercise to get my clients blowing!

Does training a celebrity differ a lot from that of Joe public?

Not at all. Maybe when I was less experienced. But now, every client gets the same treatment regardless of their status, job title or Instagram following. Turn up, work hard. No excuses. 

How often do you train yourself and how long is each session?

I train six times a week with my Get it done online subscribers in the mornings which is a mix of HIIT and strength training 30-40 minute workouts.

I’ll also add two strength sessions and two 10km runs into that schedule also so I’m very very active. 

What’s the most annoying thing someone at the gym could do whilst you’re there?

Making unnecessary noises when lifting weights is my biggest pet hate. No one cares you’re lifting heavy – quiet down, get your workout done and allow us all to focus!

What is your day to day routine and diet mostly like?

I wake up early to do my live workouts for my GID subscribers. After I’ll have a healthy breakfast, normally Greek yoghurt with granola and fruit. I take my dog Roots for a good long walk (or run, depending on how fatigued I’m feeling). 

I’ll get home and smash the hardwork and planning behind the scenes that people don’t tend to see – zoom meetings, answer emails, record podcasts or shoot content for my brand partnerships.

In the evenings, I’ll eat a lot of eggs, fish and chicken accompanied with rice, pasta or vegetables.

Do you divert away from the food regime when you aren’t training?

I honestly just go with the flow – I’m always enjoying my food and not afraid to treat myself. 

I burn enough calories throughout the week not to worry but I do make sure what I put in my body is good quality and nutritious. 

Have you got a cheat meal?

Sometimes I’ve got to do several workouts in a day for GID… then I’ll enjoy a good Five Guys in the evening.

Do you use any supplements to aid your fitness recovery?

I have a protein shake after tough workouts. I take a multivitamin tablet daily alongside omega 3, ZMA and vitamin D.

What’s the most annoying thing someone at the gym could do whilst you’re there?

Use the one machine you only went to the gym to use. 

Is there advice you always get asked for?

I always get asked how I stay constantly motivated. The answer is because I’m ambitious and I want to reach my goals.

For those that struggle, having a purpose is so important. Setting a goal to achieve is a must. 

You have a new fitness app out called ‘Get It Done’ . What’s the idea behind it?

I wanted to create something for those that haven’t got time to hit the gym. 

It’s for those that need guidance and direction but can’t afford to spend £50 on a personal training session. 

The idea is to make sure no one has any excuses not to exercise. 

You can get seriously great results from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you use the app to exercise, using minimal equipment, for only 20-40 minutes each day.

Do you have any advice for those looking to begin their fitness journey?

Invest in new fitness gear, some light dumbbells and resistance bands. 

Become a subscriber to an online program or app and ease yourself in. You’ll see such an improvement in your mental health straight away, followed by your physical health and appearance within weeks.

Who has been your biggest inspiration?

Myself – I think you have to inspire yourself everyday. No one is going to do it for you.

There are certainly people in my industry who are doing great things but I’m fully focused on what I want to achieve.

Only I can motivate and inspire myself to make those goals a reality.

Have you got a favourite goto tune for when you workout and have you got a Spotify playlist dedicated to your workout that you’d like to share with our readers that may inspire them?

I’ve created a playlist on Spotify called GID House – House music that’s ideal for when you’re smashing a HIIT workout and want some real bangers. 

We checked this out and there are a few bangers on there that got our groove going during our last HIIT session!

So what’s next for Bradley Simmonds?

I have many goals and dreams but for now, the main focus is the app to continue growing subscribers and improving the GID experience for them. 

Long term goals would certainly be my very own gym space/ workout studio and fitness clothing. 

I have so many goals and dreams but for now the main focus is the app. To continue to grow the subscribers and improve the GID experience for them. My long term goals would certainly be my own gym space and to make my own fitness clothing. 

Get It Done is currently available online at and via app on iOS, Android & Apple TV. Subscriptions start at £22 per month.