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10 Natural Remedies for Better Sleep and Relaxation

person asleep with fruit by bedside

Is getting a good night’s sleep starting to feel like an impossible mission? Don’t worry, restful nights are closer than you think—and the secret lies in nature’s own remedies.

Looking for a little peace and calm in a sip or a scent? You’re in luck! Savvy brands such as Circle Organics have you covered.

Here’s a roundup of ten natural remedies that’ll send you off to the Land of Nod, no sheep counting required.

Chamomile Tea This isn’t just grandma’s old-time recipe—chamomile tea is a heavyweight champion in the sleep department. It’s like a lullaby in a mug, calming the nerves and setting the stage for Mr. Sandman to make his rounds.

Lavender Essential Oil

This isn’t just your garden-variety flower. Lavender essential oil is a knockout when it comes to beating stress and summoning sleep.

Whether you’re diffusing it or dabbing a bit on your pillow, it’s your bedroom’s new best friend.

Valerian Root

Here’s a root worth rooting for. Valerian is nature’s sedative, boosting brain chemicals that usher in relaxation. Tea or capsule, it’s a shortcut to snoozeville, but start small—this root’s mighty!

Warm Milk and Honey

Forget counting sheep—try sipping them! Warm milk with a dash of honey isn’t just tasty; it’s a time-tested ticket to slumber town, thanks to tryptophan and a dollop of sweet comfort.

Deep Breathing Exercises

No equipment is needed here, just a pair of lungs and a few minutes. Deep breathing is like hitting the reset button on your stress levels, making you sleepy in the process.

Meditation and Mindfulness

young woman relaxed at home doing morning meditation in bed

Turn your brain’s busy signal off with a bit of meditation. Whether it’s five minutes of mindfulness or a full meditative session, it’s like a spa day for your psyche.

Epsom Salt Baths

If you’re soaking for relaxation, throw some Epsom salt in the tub. It’s packed with magnesium, which is like a muscle relaxant without the prescription.

Herbal Supplements

Herbs like passionflower and ashwagandha aren’t just fun to say—they’re sleep’s little helpers. But check with your doctor before diving into the herbal supplement pool.

Sleep-Friendly Environment

Your bedroom should be a bastion of relaxation. Keep it cool, dark, and quiet. Think blackout curtains and white noise machines—create a cave worthy of a hibernating bear.

Limit Screen Time

It’s time to tuck your devices in for the night. The blue light they emit messes with melatonin, the hormone that helps you sleep.

Swap your phone for a good book—sometimes old-school habits work best when it comes to winding down.

10 simple, natural ways to finally achieve the quality sleep you’ve been longing for. From sipping soothing herbal tea to indulging in a calming bath, these tips can transform restless nights into restful ones.

Give them a try and experience the peaceful, uninterrupted sleep you’ve been missing!