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Find Out If Award Winning Innermost Energy Boosting Pre-workout Drink Actually Work?

Innermost The Fit Protein

If you haven’t heard about Innermost yet we’re sure it won’t be long before you do, and we’re also sure it won’t be long before you try some of the fantastic product ranges they have out.

Innermost is one of the quickest growing protein brands, retailing in 70+ luxury fitness outlets, from BLOK, Digme, F45, Fitness Space to name a few.

Of late Innermost have also launched a powerful new campaign – Be Bold, Be Bright, Be Different – represents something current and relevant.

Amongst the rebranding there was also the launch of another exciting new product of theirs the Energy Booster.

Over the years we’ve tried several pre-workout boosters which have either left us bouncing off the walls or just simply waiting for something to happen.

The bright lively Energy boosting pack looks elegant and classy and is most certainly eye-catching in its pinkish packaging.

Formulated by leading nutritionists and packed with evidence-based ingredients; free from additives, colours, fillers and GMO nasties we couldn’t wait to give it a go.

After adding the recommended 10g (2 rounded teaspoons) of the powder to 300-400ml of cold water we gave the bottle a solid shake, I say this because as bizarre as I am I hate anything that has bits in it.

So after a good 2 minutes shake/mixing I sipped the Pineapple tasting drink about 40 minutes before my workout whilst also heeding the advice of the experts at Innermost and shook again between sips.

The pre/intra-workout powder with BCAAs has 16 natural stimulants such as maca root and guarana formulated to raise energy levels, support physical endurance and stamina, maximising performance whilst also safeguarding lean muscle, and after using this now for the past 3 weeks I can safely say even with it’s very moderate caffeine content the powder definitely works. From my first workout using the Energy Booster I would say it probably gave me an extra 10 – 15% to my workout regime.

It’s with this that I salute Innermost as I now absolutely cannot workout without this drink!

Innermost’s products are stocked in many leading fitness studios both across the UK and internationally and are also available online through their new website.

A classic challenger brand, Innermost demonstrates innovation and expertise alongside a desire to challenge convention and cater to the needs of an under-served public.

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Per: 10g 100g

Energy 162 kJ1, 624 kJ

Calories 38 kcal . 382 kcal

Protein 7g 74g

Carbohydrates 2.0g 19.7g

of which sugars 0.3g . 3.2g

Fats 0.02g . 0.20g

of which saturates .0.01g 0.06g

Dietary fibre 0.3g . 2.5g

Sodium Nil Nil

Allergens: None.
Other ingredients: Natural flavours only. Innermost use sucralose as it is the most widely tested low-calorie sweetener and approved by all major food standard agencies in the world.