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Our Celebrity Columnist Sinitta Talks About Her Lockdown Experience and The #NewNormal


So, sitting here in lockdown with thoughts running through my head,  I as I’m sure many of you also are, am feeling a little apprehensive about the return to normality, as I don’t really think it’s actually going to be possible!

I feel forever changed by 10 weeks of solitude, I have been luckier than some and have had the blessing of having my son with me for a few days ( 8 days in total, spread between the entire Lock Down Period).

I’m definitely not in a hurry to become part of the hustle and bustle of crowds, pushing and shoving in their impatience, to get to that bag of pasta before me. Only recently I was hurt when a guy banged into my shoulder at the shop, so much for social distancing eh!

I do miss my friends and I hate not seeing my Mom regularly too. I love that I have been able to ride my bike and feel safe and that I wake up to birdsong that lasts all day long as the traffic noise has been minimal. I love how I have learned so much during this time and that I have learned to use my time better.

It’s strange how you become accustomed to paying for physical services, and so since lockdown and needing to do things myself I have become reacquainted with all those ridiculous gadgets that I’ve bought over the years and gave up on after a few weeks. Now I am back using them all on a daily basis discovering that they are indeed genuinely terrific! Including massage devices.

I have not waxed myself before, but it’s something I may consider yet. I also love how I have embraced things like actually having a bush! I actually love it! It feels feminine, wild and free and natural, who convinced me that I should be bald as a badger down there?!! ????????‍♂️

It’s great not having lots of laundry to do, just pj’s, exercise clothing, a onesie, and an outdoor outfit once a week.

In lockdown I have really learned a lot about myself. That I Love Learning! I’m a great housekeeper, cleaner, not a terrible chef and that a spa-like super tranquil and light environment is my idea of Heaven. I’m a communicator, I care about people. People I know and people I don’t know, I could never be an alcoholic because I am a social drinker.

Sugar is extremely addictive for me and Gluten is what gives me (and you) Hay Fever!

Pets are truly precious and loving and bring so much joy and comfort.

Social Media can be a Great place and a place where The Whole World and Humanity are genuinely connected.

And more so now than Ever.

What happens in China or America happens to us all wherever we are as we are all one.

I am not a scaredy-cat, I am healthy and strong, I am loved , I Love and I am ready to be in love again.

I am nearly half way through my life and the second half is going to be even better because of all that I have learned and will continue to learn.

And here’s some suggestions for others who are not in a hurry to return to “Normal”

Let’s start a #NewNormal

Can you wake up earlier and walk to work? Rather than sit in traffic and get fed up.

Can you take your own home cooked healthy lunch?

Can you spend your mini breaks taking in some fresh air and sun and taking a moment of peace for yourself?

Be gentle with yourself and with others.

Everyone will be having to adjust to being out again.

Be prepared to realise that you are more sensitive now after being safe at home for so many weeks.

Noise is louder now and silence will be missed.

Live-in loved ones will miss you and miss having your full attention.

Don’t lose the good things you gained, closeness with partners. Friendships that became Zoom families.

Fun Family activities, make time for them even if it means turning the tv off a few nights per week.

Still do those Weekend Bike rides together and park strolls.

Keep making love more frequently and passionately and make time to bask in each other’s afterglow.

Eat healthily and drink water and continue to take supplements.

Make a list of all of the good and best things about LockDown and see how you can keep them as part of your #NewNormal lifestyles. So that you have the best of both worlds..

It may be a shock to the system to suddenly be back full pelt!

But how you enter this next phase it’s up to you remember, so keep hold of your soul and your peace and create your #NewNormal the way you want it to be .

Love Sinitta xx ????