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Mytime Active and The Bromley Children and Families Voluntary Sector Forum Join Forces to Support Young Mums

Mother and Baby Swim
© Institute of Swimming

In a delightful confluence of community spirit and proactive support, Mytime Active has teamed up with The Bromley Children and Families Voluntary Sector Forum (BCFF) to bring a splash of joy to young mothers and their babies.

This dynamic duo has launched a commendable initiative, offering twice-weekly free swimming lessons to young mums aged 15 to 24, and their little ones.

The brainchild of Sport England’s ‘This Girl Can’ campaign, this program has been warmly embraced by Mytime Active since September 2022.

The charitable trust generously provides pool time and essential support staff, including lifeguards, at The Pavilion in Bromley.

Meanwhile, BCFF has secured funding to ensure qualified swimming instructors are on hand until September 2024.

Samantha Britnell, CEO of BCFF, enthusiastically describes the impact: “The Swim, Splash and Support group really has made a positive impact on these young families.

The young women, who are aged between 15-24 with babies aged under three years old, may have quite complex histories and sometimes might be quite vulnerable.

The group provides these young parents with a secure environment to develop both their own and their babies’ skills, including learning to swim and water safety, whilst additionally having the opportunity to meet other young parents for peer-to-peer support.”

A recent survey underscores this success, with 90% of participants reporting increased life satisfaction and new friendships formed through the Swim, Splash, and Support classes.

The initiative promoted through Bromley’s Family Nurse Partnership, has hit its stride, reaching capacity with 30 young women registered and an average of 12 attending each session.

BCFF’s aspirations don’t stop here. They are actively seeking further funding and sponsorship to extend this invaluable program into 2025 and beyond, aiming to grow year on year.

Take Anna, for example, who became a mum at 18. When she first joined the classes with her eight-month-old son Joe, she was overwhelmed with anxiety and self-consciousness.

“I was very nervous about attending. I was already suffering from post-partum anxiety and was unsure whether we would enjoy the lessons.

I was panicked that Joe would drown and, having just had a baby, was very body conscious.

Despite my fears, I decided to try one of the lessons as I realised Joe needed to socialise with other babies. I felt very overwhelmed when I arrived, however the staff were amazing and reassured me. Joe enjoyed the first session so much that it motivated me to attend future sessions.”

Anna’s story illustrates the profound benefits of the program. Not only has her confidence in the water improved, thanks to engaging activities like bubble-blowing and climbing out of the pool, but she has also found solace in the camaraderie of other young mums.

“I have also benefitted from talking to other mums who attend the session, and like the fact we are all young mums compared to other playgroups in the area, where the parents tend to be a lot older than me, making it difficult for me to relate to them.

I also enjoy talking about Joe to staff from the Children and Families Voluntary Sector Forum and Mytime Active, who provide reassurance about the swim sessions and share information.”

Samantha Britnell further emphasizes the holistic support offered: “The team from Bromley Children and Families Forum are on hand to support the young women, including helping them to start thinking about their future and to consider work/training opportunities once their child starts attending pre-school.

It allows us to have a weekly ‘check in’ with the young women in an informal setting, and is often the start of a 1:2:1 mentoring relationship with us and our partnered charities.”

Debra Weekes, Partnerships Manager at Mytime Active, celebrates the collaborative effort: “Working collaboratively with BCFF means we can co-deliver and co-produce this impactful programme, allowing young mums the opportunity to build relationships, learn lifesaving skills, create bonding experiences with their baby and build social interaction with their little ones in a safe space.

Becoming a parent can be a lonely experience at any time, and we are proud of the positive impact this initiative has had on these young parents and their babies.

We are passionate about giving everyone the opportunity for the best start in life, and we are keen to widen our partnership with BCFF in order to further support families, young people, and local community projects across the borough.”

In conclusion, the partnership between Mytime Active and The Bromley Children and Families Voluntary Sector Forum exemplifies the power of community collaboration.

By providing a safe, supportive environment, this initiative not only teaches vital swimming skills but also fosters friendship, confidence, and future opportunities for young mothers and their children.