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Why a Holiday on the Horizon Can Work Wonders for Your Wellbeing

Cinderella Castle

Eight out of ten adults say having a trip to look forward to is one of the most important things for their overall wellbeing, a new poll reveals.

According to a survey of 2,000 people, 61 per cent feel uplifted simply by having a holiday in the pipeline, with more than a third (36 per cent) noting it helps them stay positive in the run-up to their break.

But the thrill doesn’t end there. Three-quarters of respondents (75 per cent) admit they get a buzz the moment they click “book,” with almost a quarter of those (24 per cent) riding that wave of excitement for up to a month or longer.

It appears the thought of shaking up the daily routine (cited by 51 per cent) and exploring new experiences (named by 39 per cent) drives this sense of anticipation.

These findings come courtesy of Walt Disney Travel Company International, in partnership with psychologist Honey Langcaster-James, to explore how planning a getaway can boost motivation, happiness, and general wellbeing.

Langcaster-James highlights the powerful effects, “Numerous psychological studies have shown that when you anticipate a positive experience on the horizon, like a family holiday, there can be beneficial effects on your overall levels of wellbeing and happiness, and value is derived from the anticipation itself.

“This is a psychological concept known as ‘anticipatory consumption’, she says.

“Studies have also shown that there are greater benefits to be had from looking forward to a positive experience, rather than a material item.”

“These survey results help to explain these psychological effects because many people said they get a thrill from simply booking a trip, and then having a holiday on the horizon provides them with something positive to focus on during tough times.

“This suggests there may be a boost to psychological resilience too.

“Putting a planned trip or family experience into your calendar can therefore act as a mental anchor of sorts, and provides some motivation and encouragement when it’s needed.”

“A very high number of those surveyed said booking a trip is one of the most important things they can do to support their wellbeing, so the expectation of happy times ahead clearly helps to balance out stress and can really lift your spirits.”

The poll, carried out by OnePoll, also found that 26 per cent of respondents like to book their next trip within a month of returning home, aiming to keep those upbeat vibes rolling.

Meanwhile, 78 per cent say their day-to-day drive is higher when there’s a holiday firmly pencilled into the diary.

Disney's Hollywood Studios

Moreover, 58 per cent reckon the excitement leading up to a trip is nearly as thrilling as being on holiday. In fact, destinations visited during childhood pull many travellers back: over half (53 per cent) have revisited a place they enjoyed as youngsters—one in three do so for nostalgic reasons, while others simply relish seeing how a familiar spot has evolved over time.

Nostalgia aside, 94 per cent of those polled believe holiday memories play a vital role in life. Langcaster-James points out that planning a family trip can foster an even deeper sense of togetherness.

Setting a shared goal—whether saving up or deciding on which theme park ride to tackle first—gets everyone involved and looking ahead in unison.

This anticipation—and the sense of teamwork in planning—contributes to the overall health benefits of holidays, which include heightened mental wellbeing and precious family bonding.

Even fleeting moments of daydreaming about upcoming adventures can help combat stress and keep spirits high.

Langcaster-James spoke in support of a new 2025 combined hotel and ticket holiday offer for Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. “For families, it is more than just reserving a trip; it’s often a way of setting a goal that the whole family can then contribute to, plan for and look forward to together.”

“Whether it’s saving up, or planning exciting activities, this shared purpose can bring everyone together and help turn a holiday dream into a more concrete plan.

“It can be especially empowering for parents, if they’ve had a dream destination in mind, or a particular type of holiday that they’ve always wanted to make happen for their family, to see that they are coming closer to making that dream into a reality.

“It’s not just about the trip itself, the joy of looking forward to some much-needed quality time as a family, sharing new experiences, and having a chance to switch off and recharge together, can help sustain relationships within the family.

“Sometimes life gets in the way of spending quality time with our loved ones, so it can give everyone something positive to chat about, relate to, and anticipate together.

“Ultimately, planning a holiday can provide wellbeing benefits long before you actually get to your destination.”

To see details of the 2025 holiday offer for Walt Disney World Resort, visit

Safe travels—and happy planning!

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