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What Will Breakfast Look Like Post Lockdown?

What Will Breakfast Look Like Post Lockdown

With offices closed and commutes reduced to the time it took to get to the kitchen table or makeshift study, lockdown life meant extra hours back in the day for many.

The average adult spent 1 hour and 6 minutes less a day commuting or using transport in general*, but as offices prepare to reopen, workers are set to go back to being as time poor as before. 

Huel has the ideal time-saving grab-and-go breakfast for those struggling to fit the commute into their new regime of pre-work HIIT sessions, juggling childcare and early morning Zoom calls.

Nutritionally complete, convenient and affordable, each of Huel’s Ready-to-drink bottles provides 400kcal of the right amount of protein, fats, carbohydrates, fibre and all 26 essential vitamins & minerals that your body needs from a meal. 

Living up to it’s portmanteau name of ‘human fuel’, each Huel Ready-to-drink is pre-blended for convenience and filled with low-GI, slow-release carbs to provide a sustained energy release through the day.

The healthy breakfast is also packed with 20g protein, 5.7g fibre, omega 3 and 6 and is low in salt and sugar – entirely breaking the concept of fast food being junk food. 

Huel Ready-to-drink is available in silky smooth vanilla, rich & indulgent chocolate and sweet delicious berry from just £2.51 per bottle.

Like all Huel, this meal in a bottle is vegan with a 100% recyclable packaging, aligning with the brand’s mission to have minimal environmental impact.Â