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Unlocking Teen Talk at Dinner: A Fresh Approach to Family Meals

teen looks away from mum in disgust

Well, here we are again, folks. The school year’s kicked off, and if your dinner table’s anything like a typical parent’s during these bustling times, it’s probably like pulling teeth to get more than a mumble from the resident teenagers.

It seems a staggering two-thirds of parents are grappling with the silent treatment come mealtime, and if we’re honest, the routine interrogation isn’t doing anyone any favours.

Enter Professor Sam Wass, a sharp mind in developmental cognitive neuroscience and psychology, who’s offering up some sage advice.

A HelloFresh study lights up the scoreboard with some telling stats: a whopping 88% of parents are just getting echoey “OKs” or lacklustre “fines” when they lob the standard “How was your day?” across the table.

It turns out this question is about as engaging as last week’s leftovers. But here’s the spicy bit: Wass suggests we’ve been dialling it in all wrong. He recommends we scrap the yawn-inducing generics and opt for zingers that really resonate.

Think, “What got a laugh out of your friends today?” or “Did anything wild happen during lunch?” These nuggets tap directly into their world, and they’re more likely to bite.

And guess what? Nearly half of the parents in the study noticed that these tailored teasers dug up more than just one-word wonders.

Wass notes that it’s not just about the “what” but the “how.” Maybe kick things off while you’re both tossing salad or stirring the stew. It’s about creating a vibe where conversation feels as natural as passing the pepper.

Some parents are even pilfering tidbits from other families’ playbooks—about a third, actually. And it’s not just the chitchat that’s getting a revamp; a good quarter of families find that cooking together helps everyone thaw out and open up more easily.

Even with the tug-of-war over what’s for dinner and the relentless cycle of the same old dishes, 67% of families still treasure these moments to reconnect. Clearly, the dinner table remains a cornerstone of family life.

With HelloFresh’s “Table Talks” initiative, crafted by Wass, your mealtime’s set to transform from pulling teeth to peeling back layers of your teen’s day.

Who knew a few strategic questions could spice up not just your meals but your conversations too?

So, as the new term rolls in and the routine ramps up, remember this: a little tweak in your approach might just be the secret sauce to cracking the teen code at the dinner table.