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The World’s Most Instagrammed Spas Revealed

Szechenyi Baths

The most instagrammable spas in the world have been revealed in new research – the spa with the most Instagram posts has over 130,000 posts. has compiled a list of the most Instagrammed spas in the world, it was found Ayana Resort in Bali, Indonesia is the world’s most Instagrammed spa. 
The ten most Instagrammed spas in the world

1 – Ayana Resort, Indonesia

© Ayana Hotel

The most spacious and acclaimed Bali luxury resort with AYANA offering guests a 294-room hotel and 78 private pool villas in Bali spread out along its 1.3-kilometer coastline, in addition to 403 rooms and suites at RIMBA.

For a completely indulgent romantic vacation, escape to the best villa in Bali, dine at lavish restaurants, take part in boundless resort recreation, or just relax in the five-star hotel in Bali with no schedule except your next treatment at the Thermes Marins Spa and award-winning Spa on the Rocks.

2 – Blue Lagoon, Iceland

blue lagoon Iceland

The beneficial powers of geothermal seawater were first discovered in the early 1980s when local residents began to bathe in the warm blue reservoir that had formed in the shadows of the Svartsengi geothermal power plant.

Today, many decades after the first inquisitive souls began venturing into the water, the Blue Lagoon has blossomed from a humble curiosity into a wellspring of wonder.

1#AyanaResortAyana ResortIndonesia132,009
2#bluelagoonicelandBlue LagoonIceland109,917
3#SzechenyiBathsSzechenyi BathsHungary57,436
4#LaMamouniaLa MamouniaMorocco51,972
5#shoreditchhouseShoreditch HouseUK44,163
6#amangiriAmangiriAmerica, Utah28,638
7#thetwelveapostlesThe Twelve ApostlesSouth Africa26,212
8#GellhertBathsGellhert Thermal BathsHungary24,469
9#aquadomeAqua DomeAustria23,727
10#OjaiValleyInnOjai Valley InnAmerica, California22,344

  • The UK’s most Instagrammed spas are Shoreditch House (44,163), Coworth Park Hotel (16,844) and Dormy House (6,307).
  • The US’s three most instagrammed spas are Amangiri (28,638), Ojai Valley Inn (22,344) and Montage Kapalua Bay (5,339).
  • Five of the top ten most Instagrammed spas are in Europe, two are in America, two are in Africa and one is in Asia.  

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