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Hair Loss Solutions That Work Have Just Landed On Your Doorstep

Jamie Laing Sons Mens brand

Sons, the next generation of men’s health and wellbeing brands, is on a mission to bring hair loss treatment products to men in an affordable and easy-to-understand way.

The brand new subscription service allows consumers to have an online tailored plan, after all, no two men and their hair are the same – so why should their treatment be?

The effective treatment is delivered each month, discreetly to your door, for around half the price of your monthly gym membership.

In the UK, it is estimated that 6.5 million men are currently suffering from hair loss and whether that be yourself, your mate, or your partner, it can be a difficult time.

Whether it’s those who have come to terms with it, the ones yet to face the issue, or those who have done something to try and rectify it, there seems to be some advice or some treatment you can use for every stage of the process.

For the two founders of Sons, Will Kennedy and Dr Adrian Gilbane, it was this minefield of advice and treatment, as well as a frank conversation after several pints in the pub, that led them to create a company that does things a little differently.

Sons is about breaking down taboos and getting men to open up. Hair loss can be a big deal and it’s ok to talk about it. Men don’t have to suffer in silence, and they certainly shouldn’t be expected to sift through endless jargon while having a hole burnt in their pockets for their trouble. Sons is here to make hair loss treatment easier.

From the initial online consultation process with a physician (which only takes a few minutes) to receiving your plan, it’s easy and quick and what’s more, it works – with clinically proven results in over 94.1% of men.

The service that Sons provides has been born out of frustration, mainly with the lack of reliable information on hair loss, but also the huge costs associated with dealing with it.

And on a human level, they were both becoming aware that losing their hair was about to be a real possibility.

So, the brand set a mission to bring real information in an understandable way and the treatment to sort it, hassle-free.

Launching with a range of products and plans, from prevention to maintain, with monthly subscription treatment plans from ÂŁ30 a month at

A percentage of sales will be donated to CALM.