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Sonomask, A Face Mask So Advanced That It Is Proven To Kill 99.9999% Of Viruses

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Sonovia, the global MedTech business, responsible for developing unique technology used to make industry superior face masks is launching SonoMask for all consumers to benefit from, a mask that is medically proven to kill viruses and what’s more it’s reusable.

The distinctive face mask worn by premier league 4th officials is being launched by GlobalNPD and can be purchased on Global NPD’s  website, with an RPP of £30.

What makes the SonoMask different is its effectiveness in fighting COVID-19, as tested in EU certified labs.

The masks have patented technology using Zinc Oxide nanoparticles infused into the fabric to deliver a face covering option that is sustainable and technologically superior to anything else on the market.

Led by Nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry, Professor Sidney Altman, Sonovia’s technology was developed to reduce hospital acquired infections and has undergone numerous trials over seven years to develop and perfect to the desired standard and functionality.

The masks are highly breathable, so great for use when working out or say cycling and it’s extremely comfortable, which is ideal if you are required to wear a mask for long periods of time. The face masks can also be washed and reused as needed up to 100 plus times, without affecting its performance.

Sonovia’s launch is ideally timed, as whilst it’s easy to see why during a healthcare crisis, the environmental crisis takes a back seat, recent figures imply that the environmental damage caused by the sheer volume of unrecyclable masks being dumped across the UK is an environmental emergency waiting to happen.

The latest estimates show that 124,000 tons of unrecyclable masks could be dumped across the UK each year.

Many masks have come to market since the pandemic, but none can make the claim that it has been, proven to fight viruses, including COVID-19, and whilst these masks may look great, how much protection do they offer? SonoMaks have been developed for all the family, with kids masks available, to ensure ultimate protection, as well as caring for the environment.

It is therefore no surprise that the SonoMask has already generated international buzz and are currently worn by Premier League 4th officials amongst other high-profile individuals.

The masks can also be made with custom printing, so great for sports teams, clubs and small businesses, as well as perfect for everyday individual and family use.

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