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Six Critical Spots in Your Car That Demand a Summer Scrub-Up: A Guide to Cleaner, Healthier Rides

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As the mercury rises, so does the bacterial count in your beloved motor. Surprisingly, the average car harbours more germs than a toilet seat, prompting a dire need for a deep clean this sunny season.

UK drivers, notorious for their relaxed car-cleaning habits—cleaning their vehicles fewer than five times annually—might find this revelation startling.

With insights from, let’s explore the six filthiest nooks in your car and unveil some savvy cleaning tips to ensure your vehicle isn’t just spic and span but germ-free too.

1. Car Seats and Headrests: The Hidden Hazards

Where you park yourself in your car turns out to be a hotbed for bacteria, with up to 650 unwelcome microbes per square inch.

The remedy? Regular hoovering paired with a warm soapy water solution or distilled vinegar for a thorough wipe-down. Got stubborn stains? Club soda will be your best friend.

2. Car Mats: Ground Zero

These floor guardians are exposed to all sorts of contaminants that hitch a ride on our shoes.

The simple fix involves a vigorous shake, a good vacuuming session, and a sprinkle of baking soda worked in with a stiff brush to lift dirt and keep the fibres fresh.

3. Air Vents: Don’t Breathe Easy Just Yet

Often overlooked, air vents can accumulate dust and allergens, particularly problematic during allergy season.

Cleaning these with a soft brush, compressed air, and a damp cloth can significantly improve your car’s air quality, keeping those sneeze attacks at bay.

4. Cup Holders: Tiny Crevices, Big Problems

That small deposit space for your coffee cup? It’s a breeding ground for bacteria. Tackling this with a simple wipe-down using a damp cloth and a toothbrush for those hard-to-reach spots can prevent a multitude of sins.

5. Car Boot: Not Just for Storage

Regularly lugging around groceries and sports gear can turn your boot into a bacterial rave. Empty, hoover, and a quick vinegar-water spray treatment will ensure that your boot remains clean and odour-free.

6. Steering Wheel and Door Handles: The Touchy Topics

Every touch transfers bacteria to these surfaces. A regular rub-down with a diluted alcohol solution can keep these critical touch points sanitized.

Armed with these tips, your car will not only look better but will also be a safer, healthier environment for all your summer adventures.

Remember, a clean car is not just about aesthetics—it’s about health too.