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Tell-Tale Signs That You Might Need To Have Hip Surgery

Woman with hip joint pain. Sport exercising injury

As we get older, our health will likely change. Age-related conditions are the most prevalent in those over certain ages.

For instance, high blood pressure, hearing loss, diabetes and dementia are all conditions and illnesses older generations will likely be diagnosed with.

One common health concern many will experience is hip pain. What might start as the occasional twinge could gradually become a severe ache that limits a person’s mobility.

These are some telling signs that you might need to have hip surgery. Here are just a few of those telling signs to watch out for.

Feel Pain In Your Hips

A simple but common sign that you might need hip surgery is that you feel pain in your hips. Most people will wake up with stiffness or slight tender hips occasionally.

This pain will only last for mere minutes, and the discomfort will subside as they slowly begin their day. However, this pain they wake up in their hips will not subside for some. Instead, it lingers throughout the day and causes a person to be in significant discomfort.

Painful When You Walk

Going on a walk is a simple and effective form of exercise. Many people go on a walk to help with their mental health, as the fresh air and being out in nature is known for having a positive impact. However, a telling sign that you might need hip surgery is that you experience pain while walking.

The pain can occur in different places. It can range from the outside of your hip to your groin. These pains can occur on the down step of the leg, as your weight is being placed into the step. In addition to walking, you will likely also experience hip pains when walking or jogging.

Find Yourself Limping

Aside from experiencing pain when walking, you might also notice that you have a slight limp in one leg when you walk. A limp is a common symptom for those struggling with their hips.

Some people might experience a limp after sustaining an injury. If you have not sustained any injuries, it could be a telling sign that you should seek medical attention as you may need hip treatment.

Your Hip Feels Stiff

Stiffness in the hips can be an excruciatingly painful experience for some. If your hips are stiff and swollen, you may notice that it limits your range of motion.

Experiencing stiffness or swollenness in the hips can be triggered by many factors. It could be due to a chronic problem or an acute injury you may have sustained.

In most cases, those that experience swelling and stiffness in their hips could result from issues like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Other Treatments Have Been Unsuccessful

Undergoing hip surgery or any surgical hip treatment is often one of the last options some health experts will suggest. Many will trial numerous non-surgical treatment options to see if they will alleviate the discomfort you are experiencing to help you go about daily activities comfortably.

You may find that a specialist, like Circle Health Group, will offer various hip surgery options. Their team of specialists will have a consultation with you to decide what is the best course of treatment for your situation. Each hip surgery treatment option could help relieve any pain or discomfort you might be experiencing.

Tests To Try

There are a few home tests that you can do to see if your hips are the cause of the pain you are experiencing.

One of these tests is to stand on one leg. The one-legged test requires you to try and stand on one of your legs for at least a minute.

If you cannot stand on one leg for a minute, with or without support to lean on, you might need to consider being open to the possibility of having hip surgery.

Next Steps To Consider

Should you experience any of these signs, try to seek medical attention at your earlier convenience. They will be able to identify the reason for the discomfort you are experiencing.

As mentioned, they will likely want to try different treatments first before the conversation around hip surgery is discussed. Joints that have been severely damaged will probably have to undergo hip surgery to resolve the issue.

If the surgical treatment recommended is a hip replacement, read up on what to expect after the operation when recovering.

Learning more about the procedure can help you better understand what you are about to experience. It can help ease nerves as you will be informed about what to expect when you begin recovery post-operation.

After hip surgery is completed, the healing process can get underway. Be patient when healing and not rush trying to get back to normal. Rushing the healing process could cause potential issues that would have been avoided with patience.

It will be normal to feel apprehension about the surgery. However, hip surgery is a standard procedure. Speak with those performing the procedure to help offer peace of mind. The surgery could help you to live more comfortably than before.