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Goal Getting With Johny Pach

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He has interviewed some of Hollywood’s movie elite, from stars such as Angelina Jolie, Rachel McAdams, Corey Feldman, Chris Rock and Daniel Radcliffe to name a few and no matter whom he talks to, Johny always manages to put a smile not only on their faces but ours too.

With over 15 years of experience, Johny Pach has a knack for getting to the heart of those he interviews. After spending a highly successful year living in Hollywood Los Angeles, California, producing and hosting his own luxury entertainment program Showbuzz.

Johny has gone on to prove his worth as a serial entrepreneur, and is now making his name known as a marketing expert specialising in lead generation for property, trading and investment companies.

We got Johny to give us his tips and advice on visualisation and setting those goals.

Hi guys, it’s Johny Pach. Today I’d like to speak to you about goal setting and visualisation. Throughout my career, I have spent much time setting goals and visualising what life would be like if I achieved my goals.

No matter how busy, successful or stressed I’ve been, I’ve always found time for these two activities. Why? Well, because both goal setting and visualisation have contributed massively towards my successes and self-development. Let me tell you how.

johny pach

Firstly, goal setting has helped me to succeed because it has increased my sense of clarity.

By spending time focusing on what I truly want to achieve, I have developed a better understanding of my aims and how I’m going to achieve them.

I have, therefore, become clearer on how I want to act and have acted accordingly. I well and truly believe that I fit into the 90% of people who perform better with relevant and challenging goals.

By visualising my desired actions, I’ve been able to focus in on all the possible outcomes and effects of my actions, which means that I’ve been able to prepare for so many eventualities, innovate in exciting ways and stand out from the competition.

This is the case because our imagination, the faculty that enables us to visualise, has no limits, which means that it enables us to consider and uniquely plan for so many things.

I guess this is why almost two-thirds of small business owners believe that visualising goals helps them to effectively map and develop their business plans.

For me, both goal setting and visualisation are also beneficial insofar as they increase our positivity levels.

This is the case because goals represent our positive hopes. They represent our aspirations. So, the more we set goals, the more we focus on positivity.

Our positivity levels only increase further when we visualise our goals because visualisation is the mental manifestation of positivity into the Universe!

To quote The Secret, “when you are visualising, you are emitting a powerful frequency out into the Universe.” Put simply, the two activities go hand-in-hand when it comes to generating positive thoughts which we can use to motivate us to act and succeed. 

When it comes to setting goals and visualising, there are some very easy and effective methods that you can use.

Firstly, you can physically write down each goal. I like this method because there’s something about the process of actually writing – as opposed to typing – that gives me a better connection to my goal.

Also, research suggests that people who write down their goals are 20% more successful in accomplishing them than those who did not.

With respect to visualisation, the easiest way to go about it is through a vision board – a collection of your dreams and affirmations.

Vision boards are effective because they act as constant reminders of your goals, which gives you ample opportunity to visualise, become motivated and act on your goals!

To draw things to a close, I want to reflect on a quote from Zig Ziglar: “A goal properly set is halfway reached”.

I find this quote very powerful because it emphasises that success does not lie in the goal itself, but in the process of forming the goal.

That is where the hard work goes in – into the strategising, the analysing and the refining. Put otherwise, the process of goal setting – coupled with the act of visualisation – is the primary source of success.

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