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Revolutionising PMS and Period Pain: The Nettle Headband’s Neurotechnology Breakthrough

Person wearing Nettle Headband Device

Ladies and gents of the monthly miseries, gather round! The world of women’s health is witnessing a monumental shift, courtesy of Samphire Neuroscience in London.

They’ve conjured up a gadget—dubbed Nettle—that’s set to knock the socks off traditional PMS and menstrual pain treatments, and it doesn’t even require popping a single pill!

Nettle: A Brainy Approach to Period Pain

What’s this high-tech marvel, you ask? It’s all about the brain, my friends. By tapping into the brain-cycle connection, Nettle employs something called transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to tweak our noodle’s neural activities.

Think of it as a brain gym where instead of lifting weights, you’re reshaping your brain’s response to hormone havoc wreaked by your menstrual cycle.

Nettle isn’t just any old headband. It’s a nifty device designed for home use, meant to be worn for 20 minutes daily during the dreaded five days leading up to “that time of the month.”

The device targets the prefrontal cortex for mood swings and the motor cortex for pain—retraining your brain to handle menstrual woes like a champ.

Solid Science Backing Nettle

Sceptical? Well, Samphire didn’t skip homework. Nettle isn’t one of those wellness gimmicks that make big claims with nothing to back them up. It’s passed rigorous clinical trials where:

  • A whopping 72% of users reported significant pain relief, with overall pain reduction averaging 53%.
  • Mood improvements were noted by 67% of participants, with a 34% improvement in those pre-period blues.
  • An impressive 67% felt they functioned better overall, enhancing their daily fitness by 11%.

Even women diagnosed with PMDD, the heavyweight champion of menstrual misery, saw substantial benefits. Plus, the only side effect noted was a mild tingling that fades faster than your enthusiasm at the start of a diet.

Certifications and Credentials

Fear not, This innovative approach reprograms how the brain perceives symptoms and offers a medically certified and clinically tested solution that outperforms traditional treatments.

After three years of intense scrutiny and development, it’s bagged the EU MDR CE mark—Europe’s gold star for medical devices.

So it’s not just a fancy piece of headgear; it’s a clinically approved ticket to better menstrual health.

Designed with Real Life in Mind

And don’t worry about it mussing your hairstyle. The Nettle is built to snugly fit over your locks, with conductive sponges that only need a quick spritz of saline solution to work their magic during your treatment sessions.

Emilė Radytė, the CEO and co-founder behind this wizardry, reminds us that women’s health has long been sidelined.

Emile Radiate, CEO, Samphire Neuroscience
Emile Radiate, CEO, Samphire Neuroscience

“Women’s health has been notoriously under-researched and underfunded for decades. As a result, women have been expected to compromise when it comes to taking care of their minds and bodies.

What we are doing is approaching things differently – with the brain as the nexus of health. A number of scientific studies have highlighted the potential of brain-based therapies.

Mental and physical well-being are essential components of a complex system governed by the brain and unlocking that system’s capabilities will lead to breakthroughs beyond our current understanding, and Samphire is going to help forge that path.”

The Bottom Line

For those fed up with the usual rigmarole of dealing with period pain and PMS, Nettle offers a pioneering solution that’s as innovative as it is effective.

This isn’t just another health fad; it’s a scientifically sound, user-friendly remedy promising a future where your period is no longer a pain to bear.

So, if you’re ready to ditch the drug-laden path and try something brilliantly brainy, Nettle might just be your new best friend when the calendar rolls around to those dates.