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Revolutionary Fat-Based Treatment Relieves Joint Pain Without Anaesthesia

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Joint pain is an escalating concern in the UK, with the World Health Organization noting that approximately 1 in 10 adults develop this issue in their late 40s to mid-50s.

Alarmingly, younger demographics are increasingly affected due to factors such as obesity, sedentary lifestyles, poor posture, and the physical toll of high activity levels.

A groundbreaking treatment, known as Liposmart, offers promising relief from joint pain without the need for anaesthesia, a significant development in orthopaedic care.

The Liposmart Innovation

Dr. Tomas Kadusauskas, a prominent surgeon at Nordorthopaedics Clinic, an esteemed orthopaedic centre in Lithuania, highlights the efficacy and safety of Liposmart.

This innovative treatment has been in practice for several years and involves injecting patients with their fat tissue to alleviate joint pain, enhance joint function, and delay the necessity for joint replacement or other orthopaedic interventions.

During the procedure, fat tissue is extracted from the patient’s abdomen through small incisions of 2-3 mm.

This tissue is then processed using Liposmart kits before being injected into the affected joints.

However, what most people don’t know is that general or combined anesthesia is required which is a significant downside of this treatment.

Dr. Kadusauskas elaborates, “To prevent this, our clinic has recently begun combining this procedure with plastic surgery.

This allows patients to avoid anaesthesia. Initially, we conduct liposuction and if there is any excess fat left, we inject it into the joints.”

Eliminating the Need for Anaesthesia

One of the significant advancements at Nordorthopaedics Clinic is the integration of this procedure with plastic surgery, effectively eliminating the need for anaesthesia.

“To prevent this, our clinic has recently begun combining this procedure with plastic surgery. This allows patients to avoid anaesthesia.

Initially, we conduct liposuction and if there is any excess fat left, we inject it into the joints,” explains Dr. Kadusauskas.

This approach not only makes the treatment more accessible but also addresses misconceptions about the nature of Liposmart.

Contrary to popular belief, this is not a mere cosmetic procedure. “The truth is that it is usually performed on patients with II, III grade joint arthrosis, particularly when other injections have not been effective,” says Dr. Kadusauskas.

Postponing Surgery, Not Replacing It

While the Liposmart method can delay the need for more invasive joint surgery by halting degeneration and encouraging regeneration, it is not a permanent substitute.

Dr. Kadusauskas notes that the effects of Liposmart generally last about a year, contingent upon the severity of the osteoarthritis.

To ensure optimal results, post-treatment care is paramount. Dr. Kadusauskas advises initiating physiotherapy to enhance muscle strength and balance post-procedure.

Patients should also avoid intense physical activity for one week to ten days. “Recovery time will vary based on the extent of surgery.

If you had Liposmart on multiple areas, expect a longer recovery compared to someone who had only one or two areas done,” explains Dr. Kadusauskas.

In summary, the Liposmart treatment represents a significant advancement in the management of joint pain, offering a viable option for those seeking relief without the complexities and risks associated with anaesthesia.

By harnessing the body’s own fat tissue, this method not only provides symptom relief but also contributes to the overall health and function of the joints.