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Reversing Tech’s Grip: How to Engineer Your Brain for Better Health

Claudia Dumond, Holistic Health Coach & Founder of Minimondo

Claudia Dumond, a seasoned Holistic Health Coach, is no stranger to the challenges and triumphs on the path to better health.

With her deep understanding of holistic wellness, Claudia helps individuals harness their own power to foster habits that lead to greater well-being.

In this insightful exploration, Claudia shares how we can apply the same cunning strategies that keep us tethered to our screens to instead enhance our lives.

Below, she unveils her approach to ‘hacking’ our brains to cultivate habits that are not only healthy but sustainable.

Ever wonder how tech giants so effortlessly snag our attention? Inspired by the insights from Jonathan Haidt’s The Anxious Generation, this exploration challenges us to reclaim control. Why not use the digital age’s cunning tactics for something as vital as our health?

It’s time we flip the script on tech giants using their own strategies for our wellness.

Deciphering the Digital Code

Our screens aren’t just displaying content; they’re gateways to engineered experiences crafted to tap into the brain’s reward system. This realization isn’t just alarming—it’s empowering. By understanding how dopamine fuels our screen time, we can creatively reroute that same chemistry towards healthier habits.

Harnessing Dopamine’s Double-Edged Sword

While tech companies design apps to deliver dopamine hits for more screen time, we can modify this for our benefit.

Think about replacing the thrill of a social media notification with the satisfaction of completing a morning run or a meditation session.

Exploring the Allure of Uncertainty

The unpredictability in tech engagement—where you might receive a like or a comment—keeps us coming back.

Adopting this in our daily routines, like changing workout types or trying new recipes, adds a layer of excitement to our health endeavours.

From Virtual Likes to Real-Life Applause

Claudia Dumond, Holistic Health Coach & Founder of Minimondo
Claudia Dumond, Holistic Health Coach & Founder of Minimondo

Our desire for social affirmation is potent, and while tech companies exploit this for profit, we can harness it for positive lifestyle changes.

Encouraging real-world connections and celebrating personal achievements with friends can fortify our commitment to health.

Rewriting Our Daily Scripts

With a clearer understanding of these principles, let’s apply them practically to enrich our lives rather than drain them.

Identify What Sets You in Motion

Effective change is all about the right triggers. A visual reminder to stretch, hydrate, or take a walk can be a powerful prompt to build new, beneficial routines.

Personal Rewards that Matter

Shifting the focus from what we fail to do to celebrating what we accomplish can radically change our approach.

Simple joys like a favourite snack after a long bike ride or a peaceful break after a task can reinforce positive habits.

Keep Things Fresh

Inject unpredictability into your health habits to keep them appealing. Alternate between cycling, yoga, or a dance class to keep your routine engaging and your body guessing.

Build Your Tribe

The strength of community cannot be underestimated. Joining groups that share your health goals can provide the motivation and support needed to keep pushing forward.

Concrete Steps to Long-Term Wellness

Initiate digital detoxes to curb the tech urge. Stack new habits with established ones to build robust routines. Use gamification to make achieving health goals as addictive as checking a smartphone.

By using tech strategies thoughtfully, we turn manipulative tactics into opportunities for genuine self-improvement.

Let’s harness this potential not for endless scrolling but for building lasting wellness.