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Manchester United Goalkeepers André Onana and Phallon Tullis-Joyce Honoured as PFA Community Champions for 2023/24

Onana community visits

Manchester United’s stellar goalkeepers, André Onana and Phallon Tullis-Joyce, have clinched the prestigious PFA Community Champions award for the 2023/24 season.

Their dedication to the Manchester United Foundation and unwavering commitment to community service have set them apart as exemplary figures both on and off the field.

Onana community visits

André Onana’s Inspiring Engagement

In his debut season with Manchester United, André Onana has seamlessly integrated himself into the community, quickly becoming a beloved figure.

His participation in a variety of Foundation events showcases his passion for giving back.

On one of his days off, André visited a local Street Reds project, engaging with young footballers and gifting each one a pair of goalkeeper gloves.

Such gestures not only inspire the youth but also create lasting memories and connections.

Onana’s dedication to charitable causes extends beyond his direct interactions with fans. He attended two Dream Days, creating cherished moments for fans with life-limiting illnesses.

This commitment was further highlighted when he, inspired by his own charity, The André Onana Foundation, donated customized hospital gowns made from his old shirts to young patients at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.

This act of kindness brought smiles and comfort to children facing tough battles.

Reflecting on his award, Onana shared, “I’m so happy and I feel grateful [to receive this award], it’s important for me to give something back to the local community.

I have my own Foundation and have also experienced difficulties when I was younger, so I think it’s important to help the younger generations, not just for me, but also as a Manchester United player.”

He added, “I’ve really enjoyed working with Manchester United Foundation and seeing the work they do to support young children be the best they can be. There are so many people working behind the scenes, this award is for everybody.”

Phallon Tullis-Joyce’s Community Contributions

Phallon community visits

Phallon Tullis-Joyce has also proven to be a powerhouse of community engagement this season.

She, alongside her teammate Irene Guerrero, visited Levenshulme High School, participating in science and Spanish classes before taking to the field to help a young goalkeeper refine her skills.

Demonstrating her passion for marine biology, Phallon visited Stretford High School, where she orchestrated a fascinating lesson on marine life, guiding students in making clay models of cuttlefish.

Her enthusiasm for community involvement is palpable. Upon receiving her award, Tullis-Joyce expressed, “I’m really grateful to receive this, I’ve had a great time being with the community and helping out in any way I can.

“I just love shedding any kind of light on how awesome our oceans are, and at the school the kids were incredible and loved learning too.”

She emphasized the importance of community work, saying, “I think it’s super important to be a part of our community, especially as professional athletes.”

“So many people helped me along the way and this is my way of giving a little bit back and all that I’ve learned and that’s been passed and shared with me, passing that on to future generations is what I’d like to do.”

Phallon community visits

Recognition from the PFA

The PFA’s CEO Maheta Molango commended the players’ efforts, stating, “The PFA has once again been immensely proud of the outstanding efforts of players this season and we feel they should be recognised for their support and involvement in the local community.”

Molango continued, “The Award will hopefully raise awareness of the importance many of our members attach to their roles off the pitch and highlight their continued commitment to support those most in need along with engaging in areas where they have a personal interest.”

“We would like to offer our congratulations to this season’s recipients of the 2023/24 PFA Community Champion Award.”

A Season of Impact

Each season, players are nominated for their extraordinary support of the Foundation and local communities.

André Onana and Phallon Tullis-Joyce have set a benchmark this year with their heartfelt contributions and relentless spirit.

Their actions resonate deeply, reinforcing the vital role professional athletes play in fostering community spirit and inspiring future generations.

By earning the PFA Community Champions award, Onana and Tullis-Joyce have demonstrated that their influence stretches far beyond the pitch, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of many.