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Navigating the Night Shift: Battling Sleep Woes as Clocks Fall Back


Ah, the annual clock change. We gain an hour in theory, but for those who work irregular hours, the “extra hour” often feels more like an unwelcome jolt to the system.

A recent study by energy and focus brand Pro Plus® shines a light on this very issue, surveying 1,000 UK shift workers to see how they’re affected.

The results? Almost 40% said the clock change scrambles their sleep schedule, making it tough to adjust to those all-important shifts.

On top of that, around 32% noted a real hit to their motivation and mood during work, all thanks to this yearly time-shift shuffle.

But it’s not just about the clocks. Nearly half of these shift workers (49%) feel the pinch when winter rolls in with shorter daylight hours, causing a seasonal dip in energy.

As a quick fix, a solid 40% turn to energy drinks to power through their shifts, and 14% of those even down four or more each shift.

That much caffeine and sugar may keep them awake but at the cost of the inevitable crash — not exactly ideal when they’re running on fumes.

Dr Emeka Okorocha, NHS A&E doctor and viral TikTok health expert, weighs in with some advice for navigating these seasonal sleep disruptions:

“Pro Plus’s research highlights issues around fatigue, which can affect both personal health and workplace safety.

We must recognise this and offer support and resources to help people manage their well-being. By making mindful adjustments, we can improve our well-being and performance.”

A Survival Guide for Shift Workers Facing the Clock Change

For those left feeling like the rug’s been pulled out from under them, Dr. Okorocha’s got practical, no-fuss tips to bring some balance back to energy levels — and they work for more than just the clock change season:

1. Lock in Your Sleep Routine
“Sleep isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity,” says Dr. Okorocha. He suggests creating a sleep-friendly setup in your bedroom, sticking to a schedule even on days off, and giving yourself a screen break before bed to keep the sleep-wrecking blue light at bay.

2. Ditch the Vending Machine for Real Fuel
That quick snack might be tempting when you’re on the go, but reaching for prepped, nutritious meals can be a game-changer, offering lasting energy instead of a quick fix that leaves you flat.

3. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Fatigue can be a sneaky side effect of dehydration, and it’s easy to overlook during a busy shift. Keep a water bottle handy, and give yourself regular reminders to sip throughout the day.

4. Choose Smarter Energy Boosts
Energy drinks might seem like an easy solution, but the inevitable crash is rough. Dr. Okorocha recommends Pro Plus Fizz, a caffeine supplement with B vitamins, as a more stable pick-me-up that avoids the sugar rollercoaster.

5. Move to Boost Your Mood
Even a quick walk or light workout can work wonders for your mood and energy levels. Don’t underestimate the power of a bit of fresh air or a short jog around the block.

6. Stay Connected to Avoid Isolation
Shift work can feel pretty lonely, so take time to connect with friends and family whenever possible. It might be the mental lift you need to get through those long, late hours.

As workers gear up for the clocks to change, Dr. Okorocha’s advice highlights a refreshing, practical approach to handling fatigue without leaning heavily on sugar-loaded energy drinks.

For shift workers facing irregular hours and seasonal time shifts, this is about working with your body, not against it. And that’s advice we could all use right about now.