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10 Questions With Muay Thai Instructor, Anuphong Deesamer


Anuphong Deesamer, fondly known as Kru (master in Thai) Aan, has been with Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui since the launch of the hilltop Muay Thai ring.

He brings his dedication to the ‘Art of 8 Limbs’ along with a wry sense of humour and distinctive Liverpool accent to every Muay Thai session at the Resort.

1. What are you most proud of?

I am very proud to be Thai and a Muay Thai boxer! I started training when I was 19 years – some people consider to it be very late, but I think I was born to fight! At the age of 26 years I became a Muay Thai Champion and was ranked No.10 in Britain.

2. How did you begin training in Muay Thai?

I took up fighting in the first place because of racism and bullies. I lived in the UK with my mother and little sister and faced racism almost every day. When I was 19, my mom took me to her friend’s Muay Thai Camp and told me that if I like fighting, then I should fight to win. And in this way, I kept away from getting into trouble!

3. How has Muay Thai influenced your life?

Any form of martial art is a great teacher. You learn patience, endurance, respect for your opponent, and strangely enough, it calms you down!

4. What make you get up and get going?

Teaching the Art of 8 Limbs, and have fun while doing it!

5. If you met someone new, what would they notice at first?

My smile – I think I smile a lot for a boxer!

6. What do you want to do, create or experience more than anything else in life?

A Muay Thai Champion.

7. Is there a common theme in your interests or career?

The one thing I dreamt of as a kid was to be a soldier or police officer – to save and protect people.

8. Any hobbies?

I am interested in music and would love to be able to sing. Unfortunately, I am a well-coordinated fighter but cannot keep a tune!

9. What specific factors or experiences in your life have led to where you are today?

The fear of living a normal life! That aside, I was brought up to be loyal and do everything with heart. This job as a Muay Thai coach is one in a million – much better than a sweaty gym, don’t you think?

10. How did you land a job at Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui?

Four Seasons needed a Muay Thai Instructor when they launched their new Muay Thai ring. I came over and saw the spectacular ring with views of the island – seemed like the perfect office. I applied and got the job – 3 years on, I’m still their number one coach!

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