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Is Your Car Making You Sick?

messy car inside

New research reveals a THIRD of Brits admit that their car is “filthy,” inside and out.

In fact, a quarter (25 percent) of UK motorists have not cleaned the inside of their car for more than SIX months.

When asked what was lurking inside the nation’s cars, 40 percent of the 1,500 motorists polled said sweet wrappers, 38 percent loose change, and 34 percent said old receipts (34 percent).

Old air fresheners (25 percent), used tissues (24 percent), empty take-away coffee cups (21 percent), proof of parking tickets (14 percent) and muddy wellies (12 percent) are also being carted around in the nation’s cars.

Yet GP and TV doctor, Dr. Sarah Jarvis warns that making time to clean the inside of your car is an important way to avoid winter illnesses.

She comments, “Snacks that can melt, or dropped crumbs create a breeding ground for bacteria, especially in car seats that have hidden nooks and crannies.

“After the rush of half-term activities, and with the children back to school, November is a good opportunity to reset and get yourself organised to try and avoid winter bugs.”

According to the poll, four in ten (38 percent) have suffered the embarrassment of having someone else comment on the state of their motor.

The study, by cleaning product, Kärcher found that 37 percent of UK motorists avoid giving people a lift because of just how embarrassing their car is.

Dog treats (10 percent), tomato ketchup sachets (nine percent), old sandwich boxes (eight percent) were other items lurking under seats, while one in 20 (6 percent) of motorists have stains on their seats from spilt drinks and food.

In fact, seven percent of the Britons polled admitted there’s rotting food in the backseats, thanks to their children dropping their snacks everywhere.

A third (33 percent) say they’d like to keep the car cleaner but struggle to find the time, while 24 percent try to keep it hygienic but blame their kids for messing up the back seats.

While 38 percent admit they have never actually considered how much bacteria is lurking in the back seats.

And shockingly, one in twenty British drivers haven’t cleaned their car inside and out for a year or more.

James Mokler, Product Marketing Manager at Kercher, which conducted the research, says: “The research shows that Brits feel too time-poor to do a deep clean of their cars, but investing in the right products will make cleaning your car much easier and more satisfying.

At Kärcher we want to develop products that make cleaning a faster and more enjoyable experience for our customers.”

The research also found that one in ten drivers across the UK (11 percent) NEVER clean their car windows as they just do not have the right equipment to do so.

Yet 57 percent would love to invest in cleaning devices to help clean the vehicle’s windows.

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