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How To Transform Your Home Into A Spa This Bank Holiday Weekend

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The COVID-19 lockdown has disrupted our routines and transformed the way we socialise, work and live. With our worlds colliding at home, it’s more difficult than ever to kick back and relax in the space which was once our escape from the everyday.

If you’re craving the relaxation of a retreat, or just want a couple of hours to focus on yourself, there are a few easy changes you can make to your home so you can unwind without going outside.

So no matter if you live in a flat, a house share or your very own home, experts at Music Zen, who have made the app free to use during the pandemic, have highlighted five tips to transform your space into a spa sanctuary.

Freshen up your home

One of the easiest and most affordable ways to recreate the atmosphere of a spa is through an essential oil diffuser.

The scent of essential oils, particularly smells like eucalyptus, lavender and rosemary, drifting through your home creates a calming effect and instantly transports you to a spa oasis before you’ve made any other changes.

If you’re lacking outdoor space or just want to bring the outside world indoors, decorate your home with some plants.

Adding greenery brings your space to life and also improves your general mood as you feel more connected with nature. This is particularly beneficial if you’re living in a smaller space.

Little touches such as changing your bedsheets and giving your home a spring clean can also help you feel better, clear your mind and improve your space.

Change up your furniture

Moving your furniture not only gives your home a new lease of life but it can also have a huge effect on your mood and wellness. Our brain is currently associating our living areas with work, socialising and home life, so by giving your furniture a reshuffle you may find it easier to dissociate, switch off and relax.

If you have space, you could even set up spa stations throughout your house. For example, you could revamp the living room as a rest and relaxation zone, turn the kitchen into a pamper salon and of course, dedicate the bathroom to bubble baths.

Find the soundtrack to your relaxation

Choosing the right soundtrack for your spa day is key for setting the right mood. Wellness apps, such as Music Zen, which is free throughout the pandemic, offer an array of sounds and music to take you on a calming journey in your own home.

The advantage of creating a spa setting at home is that you have complete control, so choose the soundtrack that works best for you.

Whether that’s listening to nature sounds to transport you back to nature, relaxing music, or even an audiobook, there’s something to take your mind off reality.

Spruce up your bathroom

Bathrooms can sometimes get neglected so spend some time freshening up the space before a long soak in the bath.

Set up a couple of candles around the room and make sure to choose a relaxing scent, such as lavender, to continue the flow of relaxation. You can also bring in a couple of plants to brighten the area and create the illusion of more space.

Pamper yourself

It may go without saying but having a few little treats to pamper yourself can top off your spa experience.

Raid the cupboards and scour the internet to get your hands on face and hair masks, serums, moisturisers, and whatever else you’d like to make your day special. You could even try your hand at creating your own natural face mask in the kitchen.

If you want to go the extra mile, consider creating an afternoon tea of finger sandwiches and snacks as a treat between ‘treatments’.

Recognising this is a difficult time for consumers across the world, Gismart, the creators of Music Zen have made Music Zen completely free during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Users will be able to reduce their stress and focus on their mental health through using the relaxation features available on the app. The features include: relaxing games, calming/ASMR scenes, guided meditations, audiobooks and breathing exercises. Music Zen is available on the App Store and Google Play.

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