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How to Improve Gut Health During Seasonal Changes: Expert Tips to Beat the ‘Au-Tum’ Blues


As the leaves turn and the chill bites, our bodies holler for a seasonal wardrobe switch—so why not tweak the diet to suit our gut’s autumnal needs?

Indeed, as we wave goodbye to summer, our inner workings often need a bit of recalibration, particularly the gut, which can be as temperamental as a diva in a dressing room when the seasons shift.

Nutritionist Adrienne Benjamin, who’s pitched her tent at ProVen Biotics, nicknames this time of year ‘Au-Tum,’ a clever nod to the tumult it can cause in our digestive tract.

She’s observed that as mercury dips, so does our digestive zeal, leading to a sluggish gut and, regrettably, the dreaded bloat and constipation.

“Research hints that colder snaps could chill our gut’s microbial party, slowing everything to a sluggish crawl,” she notes. That’s not the end of the symphony of woes—no, indeed.

The season’s hearty fare, rich in fats and sugars but skimping on fibre, alongside our dwindling outdoor escapades, can throw our gut bacteria out of tune, leading to a cacophony of gut grievances.

And if you think the gut’s only about digestion, think again. It’s a maestro of our overall well-being, orchestrating everything from our mood to our immune system.

What’s more, as we cosy up with hot drinks, shunning plain old water, our hydration takes a hit.

“When water’s scarce, it’s rerouted from the bowel to more critical functions, leaving behind a dry, hard mess that’s tough to pass,” Adrienne elucidates. This can drum up a whole parade of discomforts, from bloating to the kind of stubborn constipation that makes you want to strike a deal with your insides.

The switch to daylight saving time isn’t just a mild annoyance—it can also jangle our gut’s nerves.

Less sleep or poor-quality z’s can pump up cortisol, a stress hormone, stoking inflammation and a suite of unsavoury symptoms like bloating, stomach pain, and even diarrhoea.

To keep the gut harmoniously humming along, Adrienne champions a daily probiotic, like a tuning fork for our internal flora.

ProVen Biotics 25 Billion For Adults offers a robust ensemble of 25 billion live bacteria per two-capsule serving, poised to colonise the gut with beneficial bugs.

It not only aids digestion but also amps up the immune defence with a mix of vitamins and minerals tailored for gut health.

Backed by a symphony of UK-based clinical research, ProVen’s Lab4 live bacteria are among the most rigorously studied in the UK, ensuring they hit the right notes for everyday gut support.

So as you pull on your sweaters and settle into the slower pace of autumn, remember your gut health deserves a seasonal refresh too.

And with the right probiotic, you can ensure it stays in tune, no matter how ‘Au-Tum’ turns the leaves.