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How to Build a Sustainable Fitness Routine: A Guide for Women

women stretching arms outdoor. Yoga class doing breathing exercise at park.

Are you a woman who is unable to maintain fitness goals? Do you find it challenging to make time to work out?

We will show you how to build a sustainable fitness routine with objectives that will motivate you to stay fit.

Our sustainable fitness routine involves choosing the right kind of exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, and more, as you will find out as you keep reading. 

8 Ways For Women To Maintain A Sustainable  Routine 

These are the eight tips I keep in mind to maintain a sustainable fitness routine.

1. Find Exercises That You Enjoy 

Staying fit is not only investing in regular workout sessions at a gym. For our own healthy bodies, we can exercise by practising yoga, dancing or even weight lifting.

I always recommend that women pursue anything that is fun or interesting; otherwise, they will get bored quite quickly.

When I stayed working out, I tried all sorts of exercises, including swimming, but it felt like keeping fit was a chore.

Then I started taking Zumba dance classes, which I have become addicted to because they are so much fun and beneficial for my health!

2. Start At A Slow Pace

woman tilts pelvis in air exercises

If you find it difficult to exercise for a long period of time, then slow down and take it easy. Our bodies take time to adjust to something new.

The day I went out for my first 45-minute morning work, I couldn’t move. After I came home, my whole body was in pain.

The next day, I just walked for 20 mins, and it wasn’t so bad. Then  I slowly increased the duration, and now I can walk for 1 hour at a stretch.

3. Fitness Goals

Always set fitness goals that are achievable and fit your life schedule. We are all different as individuals, and the way our bodies work differs, too.

Aim to run a specific distance every day, swim on a daily basis, or even decide to try high-intensity workout sessions once a week. Once you set your goals, you must dedicate yourself to making time to achieve them for a sustainable fitness routine.

4. Exercise In Your Prefered Environment 

Whether you want to work with a personal trainer or you prefer exercising at the gym with others, it’s totally up to you.

Being an introvert, I used to feel very awkward at the gym and didn’t enjoy exercising at all because of the fear of being judged by others.

That’s why I took help from an instructor who was very supportive and would conduct the workout sessions at home according to my schedule.

5. Pick The Right Diet

Maintaining a sustainable fitness routine requires eating healthy food that gives your body nutrition. Include fruits, vegetables, meats, and grains in your daily meals.

Ensure you eat at least an hour before exercising to gain optimal energy. Most importantly, drink plenty of water as you must stay hydrated.

6. Recovery Days

It is important to engage in rest days regardless of whether you are a beginner at exercising or if you are interested in high-energy workouts.

Too much strain on your muscles during exercise might cause muscle strains, sprains, etc., which have long-term effects on the muscles.

7. Workout Schedule

Set your exercise routine according to your lifestyle and everyday responsibilities. Consider how much time you can spend working out every day.

Being a stay-at-home mum, I wake up early, jog, and then drop my kids at school. Afterwards, I come home, eat breakfast, do household chores, and attend my Zumba dance classes.

If you are a working woman, you could hit the gym every day after work for half an hour if it fits your schedule.

8. Track Your Progress

It is important to keep track of your progress to know how far you are from achieving your fitness goals. Keep track of how long you exercise every day and try to increase the duration.

Also, you can use that weighing scale once a week to see how many pounds you have lost. Positive outcomes always increase motivation.


Now that we have given you our tips regarding how to build a sustainable fitness routine. I would advise you to follow each tip carefully so that you enjoy working out and staying fit at the same time.