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Gen Z and Millennials Now Rent and Cohabit: The Quest for the Perfect Roommate

A group of young friends relaxing indoors, house sharing concept.

Ah, the joys of youth. Remember when you could throw a deposit down on a house, invite your mates over for a few pints, and call it a day?

Yeah, neither do the majority of Brits under 35, who now find themselves navigating the rental market like an amateur golfer tackling Augusta National.

According to a recent report, 64 percent of these young guns have been relegated to renting and cohabiting, not because they love sharing a bathroom, but because owning a home is as likely as spotting a unicorn at the local pub.

But here’s the kicker—60 percent of them don’t even like the people they’re living with. That’s right.

Four out of ten might be sharing a space with someone who can at least cook a decent dinner, but the other six are stuck with flatmates who’d rather let dishes “soak” indefinitely and treat the fridge like it’s their personal pantry.

The Ideal Roommate: Gen Z and Millennials Weigh In

So, what does the perfect housemate look like to these fine young renters? Forget the party animals of the ‘90s sitcoms.

Gen Z and Millennials are more about peace, quiet, and paying the rent on time. A cool 50 percent say the top trait is rent punctuality—because no one likes the stress of wondering if they’ll make it to payday without selling a kidney.

Next on the list? Being fair with the bills and respecting boundaries, each snagging 46 percent of the votes.

Cleanliness isn’t far behind, with 44 percent valuing a flatmate who won’t leave the kitchen looking like a scene from Kitchen Nightmares.

Then there’s the unsung hero of cohabitation—taking out the bins—a simple task that 38 percent of these young folks wish their housemates would do without needing a reminder.

Energy Efficiency: The New Flatmate Flex

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. The days of leaving every light in the house on are long gone. Today’s renters are all about energy efficiency, with a whopping 97 percent agreeing that it’s a must-have quality in a housemate.

This means not running the hot tap like you’re filling a bathtub for Shamu and turning off the TV when no one’s watching.

And 95 percent of these savvy renters want their homes to be energy-efficient too—because saving money on bills is the new black.

Victoria Bacon from Smart Energy GB sums it up nicely: “It’s clear that being energy efficient and living sustainably are really important housemate qualities for young people.

A great way for your household to be as energy efficient as possible is to get a smart meter.” It’s an easy move that doesn’t cost a penny and keeps everyone in check on their energy usage.

The Housemate No-Nos

Of course, not all housemates are created equal. Some behaviors will get you on the naughty list faster than you can say “empty milk carton in the fridge.”

A full 26 percent of respondents despise those who hog the bathroom, and the same number can’t stand people who leave old milk to rot.

And let’s not forget those who leave dirty pots and pans to “soak”—they’re clearly in for a roasting, with 22 percent finding this particularly irksome.

What Renters Want in a Property

When it comes to finding the right rental pad, it’s all about the rent—66 percent say the cost is their top concern.

But they’re not just counting pennies; they also want decent room sizes (50 percent), enough bedrooms (41 percent), and a location close to the shops (38 percent).

The surrounding area matters too, with 37 percent eyeing up the neighborhood before signing on the dotted line. And if the bills are included? Well, that’s just the icing on the cake for 34 percent of renters.

Wrapping It Up

For Gen Z and Millennials, renting and cohabiting isn’t just a necessity; it’s a balancing act. They’re not just looking for someone to split the bills with—they want a housemate who respects boundaries, cleans up after themselves, and doesn’t run up the energy bill like they’re trying to power the national grid.

In a world where owning a home feels like a far-off dream, the search for the perfect housemate has become more important than ever.


  1. Pays rent on time – 50%
  2. Respects your boundaries – 46%
  3. Fair with bills – 46%
  4. Always cleans up after themselves – 44%
  5. Takes the bins out – 38%
  6. Always knocks before entering the room – 36%
  7. Does their share of chores without complaining – 36%
  8. Shares the costs of cleaning supplies – 34%
  9. Has a great sense of humour – 32%
  10. Wipes down surfaces after using – 32%
  11. Doesn’t make a lot of noise – 32%
  12. Is good with money – 31%
  13. Always turns lights off when leaving a room – 30%
  14. Doesn’t slam doors or cupboards – 27%
  15. Doesn’t put empty milk cartons back in the fridge – 26%
  16. Doesn’t hog the bathroom – 26%
  17. Is energy efficient – 26%
  18. Doesn’t leave the hot tap running – 25%
  19. Always turn off the TV when they’re done watching it – 25%
  20. Turns off plugs on appliances when not in use – 24%
  21. Recycles – 24%
  22. Never leaves pots and pans ‘to soak’ – 22%
  23. Always on hand for a chat when you need them – 22%
  24. Doesn’t come home late from the pub with randoms – 21%
  25. Has good music taste – 21%
  26. Puts the toilet seat down – 20%
  27. Doesn’t eat your leftovers – 20%
  28. Sticks to their shelf in the fridge/freezer – 19%
  29. Cooks’ dinner – 18%
  30. Let’s you share their Netflix account – 17%
  31. Doesn’t moan about your TV choices – 17%
  32. Has good movie taste – 16%
  33. Doesn’t secretly turn the heating up – 16%
  34. Asks permission to post pics of you on social media – 15%
  35. Bulk buys loo roll and cleaning supplies – 14%