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These Face Washing Mistakes Could Actually Be Ageing You

Woman with soap on face

In the quest for the ever-elusive fountain of youth, even the simple act of washing your face can turn into a high-stakes game.

Dr. Manish Shah, a board-certified plastic surgeon and anti-ageing maestro from Denver, Colorado, sheds light on the common slip-ups that might be sneaking more candles onto your birthday cake, skin-wise.

Dr. Shah notes, “Your daily facial cleansing ritual is pivotal in warding off premature ageing, even more so than some skin treatments and surgeries. It’s all about the basics.”

Here are the mishaps that could be ageing you:

Overdoing the Toner: Essential yet tricky, facial toners should be featherlight. Overuse can dry out your skin, prompting a sebum overdrive.

“If your skin feels tight post-toner, cut back,” advises Dr. Shah. Opt for a spray bottle to mist just the right amount gently.

Harsh Ingredients: Shoppers often crave potent ingredients like prescription retinol, not realising the harsh impact on their skin.

Dr Shah stresses the importance of starting with milder, over-the-counter versions to prevent irritation and sustain skin health over time.

Excessive Scrubbing: Gentle is the way to go. Vigorous scrubbing can create micro-tears and strip away essential oils, leaving your skin vulnerable and dry.

Over-Exfoliating: A few nights a week is enough. Using rough materials like a loofah every day can lead to over-exfoliation, resulting in dryness and hyperpigmentation. “Less is often more,” Dr. Shah warns.

Hot Water Hazards: While a steamy wash might feel relaxing, it can dehydrate your skin and enlarge your pores. Lukewarm water is ideal to avoid stripping natural oils and causing breakouts.

Frequent Washing: Washing your face more than twice daily can disrupt your skin’s natural defences, making it more susceptible to environmental irritants and early signs of ageing.

Dr Shah suggests sticking to twice daily, especially if your midday routine includes exercise or outdoor activities, using only gentle cleansers.

Skipping Moisturizer: “Always moisturize right after washing,” Dr. Shah recommends. It seals in hydration and fortifies your skin’s barrier with vital nutrients and lipids.

Using Any Soap at Hand: Not all soaps are created equal, especially for your face. Standard hand soaps can strip moisture and irritate your skin.

Choose facial cleansers specifically formulated for facial skin, free from harsh fragrances and additives.

By steering clear of these pitfalls, you can keep your skin looking youthful and vibrant. Remember, in skincare, sometimes what you don’t do is just as important as what you do.