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Drinks To Help Lift You Out Of The Post-Easter Slump

Herbal Tea

By David Saunders | UPDATED: 11:28, 10 April 2020

With Easter now out of the way, and the majority of us having had to look to escape the lockdown feeling by indulging in copious amounts of chocolate eggs and roast dinners.

However, whilst we all deserved those treats to help make the situation that bit more bearable (mini eggs really do hold the solution), now Easter is over, we’ll likely be craving some remedies to help us ditch these indulgences and leave us feeling healthy, happy and well.

After a weekend of food that will have left us feeling depleted, sluggish and lacking in energy, we all need a helping hand.

That’s why CGH Earth the brand behind some of the best Ayurvedic and Naturopathic wellness destinations in India are eager to share their wisdom with some simple drink recipes that could help to banish the bloat, improve your mood, detox your skin and enhance your immunity to leave you fighting fit to take on these next few weeks of lockdown!

Here are their three top drinks to try…

Ditch The Bloat & Boost Your Immunity With… Ama Pachana Herbal Tea 

Drink “Ama Pachana Spice Water” throughout the day for a very purifying effect on the whole body and to help enhance your digestion. Ginger is a real medical marvel and is considered an excellent carminative – promoting the elimination of excessive gas from the digestive system and soothing the intestinal tract, not to mention, due to its strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, ginger could help to enhance your immunity – something we all need at this time!


  • Two to three thin slices of fresh ginger

  • ½  tsp. cumin

  • ½  tsp. fennel

  • 4 black peppercorns

  • 2 leaves of mint


  • Boil two quarts of water along with the listed herbs. After turning off the heat, let the mixture steep for another 5 minutes before drinking it / straining it into a Thermos flask. You can sip all through the day.

Get The Glow With… Skin Detox Herbal Water

The beneficial phytochemicals in the root of the sarsaparilla plant have been shown to have anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and skin healing effects.

Meanwhile Fennel is great for digestion helping to detox the body and leave you with a glowing complexion – perfect for those of us who want to go bare faced during this isolation period!


  • ½ tsp of Indian Sarsaparilla

  • 1 tsp of Manjistha

  • ¼ tsp. whole fennel

  • 2 leaves of mint


  • Bring two quarts of water to a boil with the listed spices and let steep for a further 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and transfer to a Thermos flask and sip warm throughout the day.

Give Your Mood A Boost With… Cucumber Lime Juice

This is a very cooling, easy-to-make refreshing summertime drink! Whilst Ayurveda recommends cooking most vegetables, some — especially juicy vegetables, such as cucumber and lettuces can be taken in juice form in the summer.

Cucumber contains multiple B vitamins including vitamin B1, vitamin B5 and vitamin B7. These vitamins help to deal with feelings of anxiety and also reduce some of the damaging effects of stress – the ultimate defender against those mood lows we’re all experiencing at this difficult time.


  • One medium cucumber

  • ½ lime

  • 2 teaspoons of organic honey

  • Mint

  • Pinch of Himalayan salt (optional)


  • Skin the cucumber and juice it adding with equal parts water in a juicer

  • Squeeze lime into the cucumber juice

  • Add the honey and salt as desired

  • Garnish with mint