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How Type 2 Diabetes Can Affect Your Sex Life And Ways To Help

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Our sex lives can be a touchy subject, especially if it’s not going as well as we’d like. If intimacy is something that is on your mind, and perhaps not for the right reasons, it could be down to your type 2 diabetes.

An issue that isn’t often spoken about is how being diabetic can affect your intimacy and physicality with your partner.

CuraLin, the all-natural supplement that helps support blood sugar levels, conducted a survey involving over 2,000 Brits, and found that 80% of people didn’t know that type 2 diabetes can lead to erectile dysfunction. It’s important not to shy away from this topic and overcome any feelings of fear.

There’s no need to feel embarrassed, why not take action and enjoy!

What can be affected?

Sex Drive

A low or stagnant libido is a common issue found in those suffering with type 2 diabetes. This can be caused by some of the specific medication type 2 diabetics use as well as by having particularly high blood glucose levels.

Erectile Dysfunction

Diabetes affects the absorption of glucose from the blood, which affects the consistency and the flow. Complications with blood flow can therefore cause an inability to maintain an erection.

Who is more at risk?

Males with diabetes are particularly at risk of having low testosterone levels. This can mostly occur due to imbalanced blood sugar levels or weight issues.

Studies show that women are not as greatly affected in their sex lives by diabetes, but regardless experience great changes to their sex drive after menopause.

Female arousal has not been known to be directly affected by diabetes, but pivotal blood flow to areas central to arousal may be affected by high glucose levels.

Talk to your doctor to make sure it is not an issue with your mood and do not be ashamed to use the aid of lubricants or hormones if these are recommended.  

How can a healthy lifestyle help diabetics?

Probably the biggest factor that will help with type 2 diabetes and its symptoms, including intimacy issues, is by following a healthy diet and lifestyle. Losing excess weight, eating right for your condition and moving more can all help to normalise glucose levels.

Having fun will certainly help to make you healthier. If you are experiencing any libido or sex-related symptoms, speak to a health professional that you trust.

Ultimately, keeping your glucose levels checked and balanced will go a long way towards helping with the issue. Therefore, consider an all-natural supplement from CuraLin, which helps balance blood sugar levels.

CuraLin (RRP £59.00, is a specially tailored natural formula that promotes healthy and balanced blood sugar levels and insulin production in those suffering from Type 2 Diabetes.

The nutritional supplement is made from a mixture of ten natural ingredients, which work with the body to help balance the blood sugar profile.

Sarah Brewer recommends CuraLin for those suffering with type 2 diabetes due to the positive effects reported and measured by its users.

Dr Brewer explains, “The blend of 10 Ayurvedic herbs within CuraLin have a range of beneficial effects on glucose control and metabolism. As a result, users report that their glucose control quickly improves and, in some cases, normalises within

Consider these aphrodisiacs

Diet and libido are heavily related – many foods are even considered aphrodisiacs, or “love drugs”, that seem to increase sex drive when consumed. Here is a quick guide to aphrodisiacs for the health-conscious.


Although these are considered one of the ultimate libidinal bites, be aware there are some nasty bacteria in these seafood treats that diabetics are especially vulnerable to. Go for some sexy salmon, also known to have great effects on one’s testosterone.

Dark Chocolate

Considered by many a natural stimulant as well, dark chocolate can be just the right treat if you want a healthier choice with added benefits.

Chocolate in all forms has long been thought to increase libido but can often carry lots of sugar. By choosing dark chocolate you get the fun without the fight.


This green has been considered an aphrodisiac for centuries, with the Romans even associating it with the God of fertility.

The bonus is that it contains an antioxidant called Alpha-lipoic acid which is known specifically for helping with glucose absorption in cells, along with lots of beneficial vitamins.

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