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Chase Young Defensive End Interview On How He Is Preparing For Draft Day

Chase Young

 This year’s NFL draft is unlike any other in the history of the league. In order to help curb the spread of COVID-19, prospects will be selected virtually by each of the 32 teams. But that’s only what the public will witness.

Behind the scenes, prospects have had to train, compete and recover in ways they never have before. Isolated, away from their teammates and training partners, relying on only themselves to push through each repetition and each sprint.

But that’s what separates Under Armour from the rest. This is how we train and compete; we do what it takes.

Defensive End Chase Young, spoke about how he is training and preparing for the moment his name is announced on draft day.

UA: Has your training been affected at all by social distancing?

CY: My training has stayed the same. I’ve been training in a private gym and that’s what I’ve continued to do during this time. Same work, same setting.

UA: How has your mindset changed by training alone without your teammates?

CY: Training for the draft, you usually are doing it alone, competing against yourself to get better. So my mindset is the same. I’m focused on honing all my skills to be prepared for the first day.

UA: How does recovery fit into your training routine?

CY: Recovery is very important to me and a key part of my routine. I make sure I’m doing what my trainer tells me to do, resting and recovering in my downtime. I’m continuing to do what’s best for my health and body.

UA: Since you haven’t been able to visit teams during social distancing, has it been a challenge proving yourself?

CY: Proving myself isn’t a challenge. I believe I’ve shown the type of player I am during my college career and I really look forward to showing that on the field once I’m drafted.

UA: What does draft night mean to you and what’re you looking forward to most?

CY: Just the realization of a dream come true and making my mom proud.

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