Don’t worry – we’re not about to start talking about New Year resolutions (so last decade). But everybody likes to think about their hopes and goals for the future every now and then, however big or small, personal or worldly.
So, as another pandemic year comes to an end and we prepare to toast in 2022, we asked some celebs to dish the dirt on their own aims and wishes for the new year and beyond…
1. Lorraine Kelly, 62, TV presenter

“I’m just hoping we can start to travel again safely. I love Africa, and my daughter was living in Singapore for a long time, so I used to go out there and spend a lot of time there.
I’d love everybody [across the world] to get access to the vaccine, that for me is hugely important.
“We are so incredibly lucky that we have that here, and to have the incredible scientists and volunteers who’ve done such a great job.
So, I want to see countries like Africa and parts of Asia get that too. What we don’t want to do is leave some countries behind. That is my wish.”
2. Lenny Henry, 63, comedian, actor and writer

“I have lots of goals. I’m trying to play the piano. I originally started to learn with my daughter but she raced ahead – she was only five. She’s 30 now and she can jam.
She didn’t do any grades, but I’m still doing mine. I’m Grade 4, going into Grade 5 now, and it’s really hard – my hat goes off to anybody who plays the piano because it’s very difficult.
And I want to do more acting, I want to write more. I want to write children’s books that I can be proud of.”
3. Mo Farah, 38, champion athlete
“My key goal is just to stay hungry, stay motivated, and keep putting in the work.
Obviously, we don’t know what’s going to happen in 2022, but just to get through each month and hopefully, by January, things will be a bit clearer as to where I am in terms of training – then I can plan better and see what races I can do.”
4. Alexandra Burke, 33, singer and actor
“I’d love a holiday, but I’m in no rush. I just look forward to balancing my time between work and family. That, for me, is really important – I’ve struggled with that because I’ve always put work first.
My year is quite chocka already, by the grace of God – when the pandemic hit, lots of people couldn’t work, especially in the entertainment industry, so we don’t [want to] take any opportunity for granted.
Not that I ever did before, but I think it’s important to acknowledge that now, more than ever. But balance is the biggest challenge for me and I want to make sure I spend as much time with my family as I do working.”
5. Matt Tebbutt, 47, chef and Saturday Kitchen host
“I’d love to just get away more. I went to Argentina before lockdown for work and I was blown away. Buenos Aires and the surroundings is a very cool place.
I’d love to get back there. I spent a bit of time in Mexico and I’d love to get back there too, and I went to China a while back – a fascinating place – the food was incredible. I just like exploring, trying new stuff, seeing what’s out there. It keeps life interesting, you know?”
6. Becky Adlington, 32, sports presenter and former Olympic swimmer
“I have a number of different goals – one is to get back into some sort of exercise routine and get back into shape, definitely.
Another is to keep developing my ‘learn to swim’ store, developing the baby products we’ve got, getting more kids learning this amazing life skill and opening up new venues.
And, from a personal perspective, going away travelling again would be really lovely – obviously, that’s not down to me, but I really miss travel, so hopefully, we can get back to that. I miss seeing different places, people, cultures and food.”
7. Adam Peaty, 26, champion swimmer
“I’d say the biggest goals in my career are to do with what I need to do in Paris [2024 Olympics].
I want to be proud of my performance in Paris and, we’ll see how it goes, but I aim to go to LA 2028 and then probably retire, but it obviously depends how Paris goes.
“There are so many different types of goals I have in my life, such as family goals, or goals with your house or where you want to be.
I just want to be happy and enjoy the journey as much as I can, and make sure the destination isn’t one of those things which is always moving.
And it’s a given that I want to be a good dad [to one-year-old son George]. I want to have a great influence on him and allow him to be who he wants to be.”
8. Johnny Nelson, 54, former boxing champion
“I want to be able to get four tracks off fluently when I play my saxophone. It’s nothing groundbreaking, it’s just personal.
I’m not really good – it’s just finding the time to do it, you’ve got to give yourself an hour a day. I’m teaching myself, but I want to get someone in, so I can do it correctly and play those tracks well.”