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Caleño The Answer To Balanced Drinking

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If like me you like the taste of an alcoholic beverage but would prefer it to not impact your thought processing during the day, fear not there is a new non-alcoholic, tropical free spirit inspired by Colombia on the market – Caleño

Lockdown has seen sales rocket in non-alcoholic drinks and with the mindful drinking and sober curious trends showing now signs of subsiding, there’s never been a better time to go ‘nolo.’ 

Caleño is a tropical infusion of juniper, citrus and spice botanicals, steam-distilled in stainless steel drums. 

The inca berry beats at the heart of the drink – it’s reminiscent of pineapple, mango and citrus.

Caleño Founder Ellie Webb who is a fitness fan herself shares her ‘top tips’ on how to reduce your alcohol intake – improving your mood, and inclination to exercise.

  1. I started going for early morning walks with my dog

Being hangover free is such a joy when there’s a beautiful sunrise or a new walk to discover in your local area. Of course there are so many hangover free days now and I make sure I always get up and appreciate it.

  1. Dancing replaced the gym

I took up dancing! There are tons of brilliant online classes out there that I started doing from home. I follow DANS on Instagram, who offer upbeat Latin dance work-outs and it is so much fun to shimmy around the living room when no one is watching. Latin American music is my favourite and trying to master some Reggaeton dance move will make you forget about drinking any day of the week! I find that dance is so much better for me that the gym – it really gives me something to look forward to.

  1. I mastered how to muddle

I think what I love most about a cheeky tipple is the ritual – the sound of ice clinking in a glass, the association of cocktails and relaxing at the end of the day. I found that I still craved these elements and gradually I found that I got the same joy from making a Caleño cocktail myself – I also really got into experimenting with cocktail making, I treated myself to a great cocktail mixer, and realised I could get fresh cocktail ingredients and garnishes from my herb garden, such as mint and rosemary –  I get as much joy now from making a ‘Dancing Queen’ cocktail as I do a regular G&T.

  1. I rediscovered the joy of home cooking

The temptation is always there when I go out to say, go on then, let’s crack open a bottle of wine. I now put more energy and effort into making wonderful food to enjoy at home. I am half-Colombian and grew up with my mum cooking some delicious dishes, so love to cook a traditional chicken stew, or create a Colombian style BBQ!

  1. I reconnected with my sober friends

I started surrounding myself with more people who considered themselves ‘sober curious’ – some of these people were my friends already who were on their own journey but I also got to meet lots more people who were focusing on finding balance in their lives. It was great to know that I wasn’t the only one who wanted a better balance in my life. I now have an entirely different dynamic to my social life: it’s been injected with new activities – dance, yoga, and wonderful quirky coffee shops.

  1. I got ‘social’ with the Sober Curious movement

There are so many inspirational instagram accounts that I follow for a bit of a push when I need it. Such as @SoberGirlSociety and @LaMaisonWellness

  1. I invested in some AMAZING glassware

Invest in some fancy glassware. It feels like so much more of a treat, when you use a nice glass – I love the recycled glassware from Graham & Greene.

  1. I got ‘Quizzical’

Normally everyone associates a group quiz with a ‘pub quiz’, well there’s no need for them to be boozey, and with a clear head I got to have a laugh and catch-up with friends and family at the same time!

  1. I made time for old hobbies! 

All that time wasted on hangovers, and feeling useless, means you can never be all that productive. Drinking less to excess means you have more time to pick up new skills or hobbies, or rekindle ones you may have lost! Mine was drawing and painting – so I dug out my old paint brushes and paints, and got creative!

  1. I took control of my career, and achieved a better work/life balance 

Running a business, or having a demanding job can mean it’s difficult to get that work life balance right. I find drinking in stressful situations can sometimes make them worse, and doesn’t solve the problem, so with a clear head I got clearer on my goals and what I wanted to achieve in the year ahead.

Being Sober curious does not mean never drinking alcohol ever again – I started my journey as part of Dry January because I felt like I needed more balance in my life as far as my drinking habits were concerned. Taking a retrospective look at what drinking means to me and what about it brings me joy has helped re-frame what role alcohol plays in my life and has really helped me find more balance.

I still love a cocktail with alcohol but I am equally happy with a Caleño cocktail too. 

It’s not like I’ll never drink again. But when I do, I always drink well, mindfully, and really appreciate it.

You will love Caleño with a nice premium tonic and a wedge of lime!

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