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7 Reasons to Eat Ginger: A Health Hero for Your Diet


Ginger isn’t just that fiery root that adds zing to your dishes. This aromatic wonder has been celebrated for centuries as a health champion.

From soothing stomachs to bolstering heart health, here are seven compelling reasons to make ginger a regular part of your diet.

1. Digestive Health

Ginger is a digestive dynamo. Nutritionist Alix Woods points out, “Ginger is a versatile spice brimming with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.”

It’s effective in treating chronic indigestion, wind, and stomach pain by stimulating digestive juices and regulating stomach acid levels. This humble root packs a punch in the kitchen and in your gut.

2. Promote Healthy Hair

A sprinkle of ginger might be the secret to luscious locks. Cassandra Barns, a nutritionist, explains, “One of the reasons for hair loss and poor hair quality can simply be reduced circulation to the scalp, meaning fewer nutrients are available to the hair follicles.

Spices such as ginger, cinnamon, and cayenne can stimulate circulation and are great winter warmers too.” So, next time you’re seasoning your food, think of your hair!

3. Combat Nausea

Feeling queasy? Reach for ginger. Alix Woods highlights, “Ginger is a well-known remedy for nausea.

Studies report that the root eases morning sickness in pregnancy and helps relieve nausea in general.”

Whether it’s morning sickness or motion sickness, ginger can be a soothing companion.

4. Ease Joint Pain

If joint pain and stiffness are your nemesis, ginger might be your new best friend. Woods says, “The active ingredient in ginger is gingerol, which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can ease osteoarthritis-associated symptoms of joint pain and stiffness, as well as deterring muscular pain.” Swap your painkillers for some ginger tea.

5. Freshen Your Breath

Bad breath? Ginger to the rescue. Research shows that ginger stimulates an enzyme in saliva that breaks down foul-smelling substances, helping to keep your breath fresh. Next time you need a quick fix, chew on some ginger.

6. Support Heart Health

Ginger isn’t just a stomach and breath saviour; it’s a heart health hero too. Alix Woods notes, “Ginger has been proven to be cardioprotective as it lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.” Adding ginger to your diet is a tasty way to support your cardiovascular system.

7. Regulate Blood Sugar

Keeping your blood sugar levels steady is crucial, and ginger can help. According to Woods, “Ginger helps regulate insulin and the breakdown of carbohydrates (glucose).”

This makes ginger a smart choice for anyone looking to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

So, whether you’re spicing up your meals or sipping on ginger tea, there are plenty of tasty and healthful reasons to eat ginger regularly.