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Heart of the Matter: AI’s Role in Detecting Stealthy Heart Disease Nominated for Top BHF Honour

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Now here’s a heartwarming tale from the front lines of medical science, where an artificial intelligence technology is making a splash at this year’s British Heart Foundation (BHF) Research Project of the Year awards.

The star of the show? An AI system that sniffs out hidden heart diseases like a bloodhound on a scent.

This AI marvel, developed by Caristo Diagnostics, stems from a BHF-funded project that blossomed into the CaRi-Heart® AI technology.

What’s special about it? It turns standard heart scans into a high-tech crystal ball, predicting coronary artery inflammation—a sneaky precursor to serious heart attacks—up to a decade before trouble starts knocking.

Why the fuss over this? Well, coronary artery disease is a sneaky beast. It tiptoes around unnoticed, often revealing itself only when it’s alarmingly advanced.

Enter CaRi-Heart, which promises to give patients a heads-up long before their heart throws a fit.

The proof is in the pudding—or in this case, a massive study of 40,000 patients, published in The Lancet.

This study didn’t just show that the AI predicts heart woes; it demonstrated that this foresight leads to real, life-altering medical decisions.

Professor Antoniades, a titan of Cardiovascular Medicine at Oxford and the study’s lead, couldn’t hide his excitement: “To steer such groundbreaking research has been a privilege.

The BHF’s unwavering support has been crucial in helping us turn this AI dream into a life-saving tool.”

Those interested in learning more about Prof. Antoniades’ work and that of the other award finalists can visit to cast their vote for the BHF Research Project of the Year winner.

The public got a taste of this tech on BBC One’s South Today, highlighting its use across five NHS hospitals.

They told the story of Ian Pickford, a fellow who walked into a hospital with chest pain and walked out with a game plan to dodge a heart attack, all thanks to his AI-assisted scan.

And now, it’s in your hands. The BHF is letting the public have their say on who takes home the Research Project of the Year award.

It’s a chance not just to root for your favourite, but to stand behind a future where fewer hearts go silent into the night.

Want to make a difference? Swing by the BHF website, throw your support behind the AI that’s turning the tide against hidden heart disease and help pioneer a future where heart health is front and centre.