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ACTIPH Water Rallies UK’s Top Athletes to Tackle National Hydration Woes

Zack, Jamie and Jay ACTIPH Water

Right then, gather ’round as we delve into a tale of hydration heroism with ACTIPH Water at the helm, joining forces with the UK’s cream of the crop athletes to put a dent in the nation’s beverage blunders.

Led by Jamie Douglas-Hamilton, a chap who’s not just the founder of ACTIPH Water but also a 15-time Guinness World Record holder, this brigade is on a mission to quench the UK’s thirst for a healthier drink.

A jaw-dropping stat from ACTIPH points out that a whopping 90% of Brits are dodging the daily water mark, with many tipping back more than a litre of coffee and nary a drop of plain old H2O.

“Not only are we chronically dehydrated as a nation, but we are drinking highly acidic, high sugar, artificial drinks and not drinking what we need most.

“Water is the forgotten nutrient that is more essential for health than any other. There is not a single cellular function in the body that does not require water.

“The human body is 70% water, our blood is 92% water, our muscles and kidneys are 80% water and our brains and heart are 73% water, even our skin is 64% water yet British consumers choose energy drinks and carbonated soft drinks over water and this is why Britain is one of the most dehydrated and obese countries in Europe”

Enter Zack George—CrossFit wizard and officially the UK’s fittest man post-2020 CrossFit challenge—a fellow who knows a thing or two about what it takes to stay at peak performance.

Not one to sit on his laurels, Zack’s been darting around schools across the realm, preaching the gospel of good health and proper hydration.

“Statistics show that one in five children leaving primary schools in the UK is obese. Less than one-third of children take part in the recommended levels of activity for their age.

“I will be running workshops in schools across the country on health, hydration and mindset and how I overcame all odds through fitness to achieve the impossible and want this story to inspire kids to take charge of their own health and achieve great things.”

“Hydration is at the centre of this and ACTIPH allows me to perform at my best like no other water and this is why I feel so passionate about this brand and our mission.

Each child who takes part in the workshop will receive one as part of the emphasis on hydration.”

Zack proclaims, hoping his journey from underdog to top dog inspires the wee ones to grab life by the horns.

Meanwhile, Jay Younger, a sprinter turned finance maven and a titan on the National Fitness Games scene, shares: “As someone who only drinks water and milk, I understand the importance of staying hydrated.

ACTIPH’s alkaline ionised water isn’t just water—it’s the ultimate fuel for crushing workouts.

Coming on board the ACTIPH team means I can use my platform to inspire others to change their hydration habits.”

Jay’s been smashing it at the office and in the gym, all thanks to ACTIPH’s liquid magic that keeps him sharper than a tack and more buoyant than a boat.

The story of ACTIPH began not in a lab, but out on the wild waves, during Jamie’s daring row from Australia to Africa.

Facing hallucinations and knockout fatigue from dodgy desalinated water, the crew had a lightbulb moment—mixing seawater with freshwater.

The result? More gusto to paddle and new world records to boot! Jamie’s revelation on the high seas led him to unearth alkaline ionised water—a big hit in Japan since the ’60s, known for its legion of health benefits.

Fast forward to now, and ACTIPH is not just a household name in 25 countries but also the top dog in Europe’s alkaline water market.

Not to rest on their laurels, the ACTIPH team recently joined forces with Marvel Studios for the blockbuster release of “Deadpool & Wolverine,” introducing snazzy limited-edition water bottles to celebrate the flick—proving yet again that healthy hydration and pop culture can go hand in hand like fish and chips.

As the trio of Jamie, Zack, and Jay tackle the sugary titans of the beverage world, their goal is clear: make ACTIPH Water the go-to drink for a fitter, healthier Britain. So, here’s to drinking up the good stuff and living better!