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Horizon Leisure’s Wellbeing Hub Celebrates a Year of Transformative Health Services

Horizon Leisure’s Wellbeing Hub

Charitable leisure trust, Horizon Leisure, marks the one-year anniversary of its groundbreaking Health and Wellbeing Hub, situated conveniently in the heart of a shopping mall in Havant.

The innovative facility has redefined community health support, providing a range of services from free health checks to comprehensive exercise programs, and its success over the past year is a testament to its vital role in promoting wellness.

Horizon Leisure’s Wellbeing Hub

At the core of the Hub’s offerings are essential health services such as free health checks aimed at early detection of various conditions.

These checks are complemented by health interventions like the weight management program, Flourish, and the eight-week Foundations exercise orientation program.

These initiatives are designed to seamlessly integrate physical activity into participants’ lifestyles, promoting long-term health benefits.

The Foundations program is particularly noteworthy for its structured approach. It begins with a gentle, instructor-led four-week introduction to exercise at the Hub, followed by a transition into one of Horizon’s leisure centres.

This method not only builds participants’ confidence but also provides continued support, ultimately encouraging them to maintain their fitness journey.

Impressively, 33.3% of Foundations participants have transitioned to Horizon Leisure memberships, with 86.2% expressing a strong motivation to continue their fitness journey, underscoring the program’s effectiveness.

One successful participant shared, “The Horizon Leisure team gave me the confidence to be in a gym environment after feeling it was impossible.”

A standout feature of the Hub is its specialist ‘pod’ equipment, which allows residents to take their blood pressure readings without an appointment.

These readings are directly fed into the NHS system, ensuring timely medical interventions. This seamless integration exemplifies Horizon Leisure’s commitment to leveraging technology for community health.

CEO Mike Lyons proudly states, “We are very proud of the Wellbeing Hub and the impact it is making locally.

What’s been integral to its success is that we listen to our community and recognize that visiting a leisure centre can be quite daunting.

Unlike other leisure hubs, our stand-alone facility is perfectly placed in a non-leisure centre setting.

Conveniently located in a shopping mall, it means people don’t have to travel to a leisure centre for exercise or an out-of-town hospital or your GP surgery for health interventions.”

Lyons highlights the welcoming and relaxed environment of the Hub, which makes health and wellness advice more accessible.

The facility’s strategic location and its non-intimidating atmosphere have played crucial roles in its success.

Since its opening in June 2023, Horizon Leisure has continuously enhanced its offerings. The Hub now includes more small group exercise classes such as the men’s over 55’s weights class, Ladies that Lift, Beat It for individuals with high blood pressure, and a falls prevention class. These tailored programs address specific community needs, fostering an inclusive and supportive fitness culture.

One participant of the over 55’s weights course shared, “The weights course changed my life! The opportunity to train with people who have the same objective is a great motivator.

I’ve enjoyed the Hub so much that I signed up for another course, and in 12 weeks I’ve managed to reverse my diabetes, which is a massive bonus.”

Looking ahead, Lyons is enthusiastic about the Hub’s future initiatives. “We are looking forward to what the Hub can achieve in its second year, and will be launching more sessions, including specialist weight lifting sessions for teenagers and young adults who may lack confidence to attend leisure centres. Plus ESCAPE-Pain, a group rehabilitation programme for people with chronic back pain.”

Horizon Leisure’s Wellbeing Hub has set a new standard for community health support, and its ongoing success demonstrates the power of accessible, inclusive, and comprehensive health services.

As the Hub celebrates its first anniversary, it stands as a beacon of hope and health for the Havant community.