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Healing The Mind: How To Cope After A Traumatic Event


Trauma covers a wide range of experiences. Those who experience trauma will do so under different circumstances. It is perfectly normal to want to take a step back from the world after these struggles, but life must continue after trauma, even if it feels like a monumental challenge.

You can always find help out there if you need it, but the important thing is to move at your own pace. Here l look at the steps you can take to move past traumatic events but try to remember that some solutions may not adhere to your circumstances. Every person is different, these are just a few suggestions that have aided others in the past.

Talk To Those Around You

The hardest part of your journey is feeling that you have to battle your demons by yourself. While you may have had to endure your traumatic event alone, that does not mean that you have to deal with the aftermath this way.

You do not have to go into detail about the event with your close family and friends, but being transparent about how this experience has made you feel will help them to understand your frame of mind. 

Bringing these feelings to light will make these individuals aware of anything that may trigger you, allowing them to avoid these prompts so you can continue to feel safe around them.

What’s more, these people care about you, which means they want to help you in any way that they can. However, they can only do so if you are truly honest with them.

Look For Others Who Have Shared The Same Experience

While those close to you can try to coach you through this difficult time, they are at a disadvantage. They can try to understand how you feel, but they will never know exactly.

This does not mean that you are alone in this situation, far from it. Trauma is a very common experience, so much so that you are likely to find someone else out there that has gone through the same circumstances.

You may find these people online or at a local support group. Either way, discussing your trauma with another person that knows how you must feel will help you to achieve a further level of clarity.

You may find someone that is further along in the healing process who can coach you through the next steps, or you may discover someone who is going through a stage you have already passed. The important thing is that you speak candidly, and you will realise that you aren’t so alone after all.

Find A Routine That Works For You

Carrying on with life after a traumatic event doesn’t mean that you have to rush into old habits. Your previous routine may have been necessary before your experience, but it is important to acknowledge that things have changed.

A routine can give you a focus, something to look forward to without having to dwell on the past. However, you must find a routine that suits you at this point in your life.

Some people thrive on pressure and giving yourself lots of tasks during the day can help to distract you. Unfortunately, these distractions can prevent you from processing your trauma, so make sure that you engage in a routine that makes you feel like you have a purpose but also allows you to heal in the way you need.

Seek Closure

The idea of closure is different for every individual that has experienced trauma. The main symptom of trauma is that these memories stay with you to bring how you felt at the time back to the surface. As such, there are several routes that people can take to move on from their experience.

One method is therapy. Having a professional guide you to a place where you can accept what has happened and move on is a favoured approach, one that takes years of dedication.

Another road you can take is hiring a solicitor to help you gain compensation for the trauma you have received. While the trial process can be daunting, abuse claims specialists from Hugh James are trained abuse solicitors that can fight your case to get you the closure you need in a court of law.

A legal verdict can put a figurative full-stop to your journey through trauma, giving you the closure you need to move on with the rest of your life with these events firmly in the past.

One aspect of this discussion that keeps cropping up is the fact that trauma affects everyone differently. Therefore, those who are dealing with these issues will have to find their own way to move on.

The advice above is the most general and effective methods of moving on from trauma, so hopefully, they can help you. However, if you feel that you need to take a different path, don’t be afraid to branch out and learn more about moving on from trauma.