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The Fitness Equipment Is Gathering The Most Dust In Our Homes


A new poll has revealed as many as three-quarters of Brits own expensive fitness equipment which they NEVER use.

In fact, according to the report, the average Briton has spent an eye-watering £252 on keep fit gear which has never seen the light of day.

As many as 26 percent admit they bought purchases on a whim during lockdown, 24 percent said they splashed out on items they had no real interest in, and a fifth confessed to finding new fitness purchases “boring”.

According to the findings, by AI-based fitness and lifestyle coaching app Freeletics,, the least used piece of gear is a yoga mat (31 percent), followed by kettlebells and dumbbells (26 percent), cool new workout clothes (23 percent), trainers (22 percent), and treadmills (20 percent).    

Dr. Kianoush Missaghi, Senior Training Experience Manager at Freeletics said: “The research shows that while many of us have the best intentions when it comes to keeping or getting fit, there are a number of mental barriers getting in the way.

“Buying equipment is one thing, but using it on an ongoing basis is another, and it’s this consistency which allows us to create lasting habits and reach our health and fitness goals.”

Meanwhile, the study also found a quarter of the nation (26 percent) confess to having a gym membership which they have rarely or never used.

And for Brits who do head to the gym, two-thirds (63 percent) admit there is equipment there that they have never used, with over a quarter (29 percent) of respondents saying it looks intimidating and 38 percent admitting they have no idea how to use it.

As many as 19 percent confess, they are unaware of how to use MOST of the machines at their gym, while 27 percent say they feel a fool trying to work out machines in front of other people.

Three in ten gym-goers (29 percent) claim they regularly witness other people using them incorrectly all the time.

Four in ten (41 percent) see people trying to use weights that are too heavy for them, 36 percent witness others using weights incorrectly and over a third (35 percent) have seen others using weights while standing in the wrong position.

However, three in five (60 percent) of those surveyed said, that when they do make to exercise, they get real enjoyment from it.

Daniel Sobhani, CEO of Freeletics says: “Keeping people engaged and motivated to consistently exercise without it feeling like a chore is and always has been one of the biggest challenges facing the fitness industry.”

“This problem led us to develop a brand-new concept – the world’s first ‘strength gaming’ product, ‘STÆDIUM.’

By combining sports science, AI technology, and gaming mechanisms,  STÆDIUM is ideal for those who struggle with fitness routines or are looking for more fun from their workout, putting an end to dusty gear and boring exercise once and for all.”

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