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How to Steer Clear of the ‘Jet Lag’ Blues When the Clocks Roll Back

young person waking up in bed sleepy morning fatigue with half open eyes

When the clocks fall back on the 27th of October, the promise of a bonus hour of snooze time has many of us grinning.

But, watch out—despite the minor one-hour shift, some of us may find ourselves dragging through the week, feeling every bit like we’ve hopped a flight across multiple time zones.

This groggy feeling mimics jet lag because, in essence, our internal clocks get jumbled. A disturbed sleep pattern not only sours your mood but also poses broader health risks.

Rebecca Mayes from Harrison Spinks—a maestro in the mattress game—emphasises that tweaking your sleep routine slightly before D-day can save you from the post-time-change zombie walk.

Here’s Rebecca’s Guide to Dodging the Clock-Change Hangover:

  1. Stick to a Ritual: “Mimic the bedtime habits of a disciplined old cat—routine, routine, routine. Whether it’s a jog, dinner, or a warm shower, keep these activities consistent,” says Rebecca. Adjust your entire evening ritual back by 10 to 15 minutes each day leading up to the time change to help your body adapt without a fuss.
  2. Darken Your Den: Our body’s internal clock, the circadian rhythm, gets cues from our environment. So when the sun peeps in earlier, it can mess with your sleep cycle. Whether it’s the glare of streetlights or early dawn, black-out blinds or an eye mask might just be your new best friends to keep those rays at bay.
  3. Embrace the Evening Stroll: Rebecca recommends taking advantage of the evening hours for a walk. “It’s a twofer—exercise plus sunlight exposure aids melatonin production, setting you up for a splendid night’s sleep.”
  4. Flip and Freshen Up: A quick mattress flip can go a long way. “Every three months give your mattress a flip or a rotation. This not only evens out the wear but also marks a good reminder to do so when the clocks change,” advises Rebecca. Also, nothing beats the allure of fresh sheets for that extra cosy, sleep-inducing bed.
  5. Dim Down: As evening sets in, so should your lights. Opt for dim, yellow lighting to encourage melatonin production, crucial for that dreamy descent into sleep. And while modern life has us glued to our screens, consider winding down your gadget use an hour before bed.
  6. Nap Wisely: If you find yourself wide-eyed at an ungodly hour, a short, sharp nap can be a saviour. Limit it to 20 minutes to avoid that groggy, dragged-through-a-hedge-backward feeling.

By adjusting just a few knobs on your daily routines and environment, you can ensure that the clock change doesn’t steal your sleep or your spirit.

Remember, it’s about being proactive rather than reactive. So this October, let’s keep those post-time-change blues at bay and maybe even embrace the change like a smooth, well-oiled clockwork!