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Reducing Your Chance of Pain: How to Stay Active Without Aches, Sprains, and Strains

person holding knee in pain

Letโ€™s face it, nobody likes dealing with muscle or joint pain. Yet, more than 85% of Brits say they’ve experienced some form of itโ€”whether itโ€™s the kind of twinge that keeps you glued to the sofa or the full-blown ache that makes you dread moving. Itโ€™s no wonder a lot of people start avoiding exercise altogether when theyโ€™re hurting.

But hereโ€™s the thing: regular movement is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. Itโ€™s good for your heart, boosts your mood, and helps keep things like diabetes and high blood pressure at bay.

So, how do you stay active without all the aches and pains? Donโ€™t worry, Iโ€™ve got some answersโ€”and theyโ€™re easier than you think.

The Real Culprit: Why Pain Keeps Us Sitting

Unhappy athletic sportswoman with neck pain sitting on mat in gym

According to Puressentielโ€”a brand known for its plant-based health productsโ€”about 75% of us have to deal with muscle or joint pain regularly.

And when youโ€™re hurting, working out is the last thing on your mind. In fact, nearly 40% of Brits admit theyโ€™re not moving as much as they should be, and lower back pain is the main culprit for most.

Dr. Tim Bond, an expert at Puressentiel, says it’s a cycleโ€”pain keeps you from moving, and not moving makes things worse. Sound familiar?

But here’s the good news: you donโ€™t need to sit around and suffer. By adding a few simple habits into your daily routine, you can move more and hurt less. Ready to get started?

1. Stretch It Out Daily

Stretching isnโ€™t just for athletes; itโ€™s essential for everyone. Shockingly, only 21% of Brits say they make time to stretch each day, which means the rest of us are missing out on a huge pain-busting trick.

As personal trainer Lucy Gornall explains, โ€œStretching keeps muscles flexible and joints moving smoothly. Even just 10 minutes a day can make a world of difference.โ€

If you want to take your stretching game up a notch, give Puressentiel Muscle & Joint 100% Organic Sport Massage Oil a try.

This little bottle packs seven essential oils, including Arnica and Wintergreen, designed to ease sore muscles and help you bounce back after a workout.

And the best part? Itโ€™s all-natural, so no synthetic junk clogging up your pores.

2. Build Strength with Resistance

women exercising with resistance bands

Itโ€™s not all about flexibilityโ€”strength matters, too. If youโ€™re not doing some kind of resistance training, youโ€™re missing a key part of staying pain-free.

โ€œStrong muscles protect joints and help prevent injuries,โ€ says Gornall. And donโ€™t worry, resistance training doesnโ€™t mean you have to start throwing around heavy dumbbells at the gym.

Bodyweight exercises like squats or lunges do the trick, or you can add resistance bands for an extra challenge. Aim for two sessions a week, and your musclesโ€”and jointsโ€”will thank you.

3. Heat Things Up

Ever notice how a hot bath makes your aches melt away? Thatโ€™s thermotherapy in action. Heat increases blood flow, delivering nutrients to those sore spots.

Dr Bond recommends Puressentielโ€™s Muscles & Joints Pure Heat Roll-On, which provides instant warmth to stiff muscles, easing tension and stiffness.

Itโ€™s the kind of product thatโ€™s small enough to toss in your bag and pull out when you need a quick fix.

Thereโ€™s even a heat patch version that keeps things toasty for up to eight hoursโ€”perfect for long workdays or post-workout recovery.

4. Cool Down with Cryotherapy

While heat can work wonders, sometimes you need to cool things down. If youโ€™re dealing with a fresh injury, cold therapy (cryotherapy) can reduce swelling and help numb the pain.

The Puressentiel Muscles & Joints Cryo Pure Roll-On is a nifty little tool that combines a massage roller with a cooling sensation, perfect for throwing in your gym bag for those unexpected muscle strains.

5. Stock Up on the Essentials

When it comes to muscle and joint health, having the right tools on hand makes all the difference.

Puressentielโ€™s Muscles & Joints Roller is one of those must-haves. Packed with 14 essential oils, itโ€™s designed for daily use to relieve everything from stiff shoulders to sore knees.

Just roll it over the affected area, and the built-in massage applicator does the rest. Plus, itโ€™s all-natural, non-greasy, and can be used on the go.

Donโ€™t Let Pain Stop You

Dr. Bond hits the nail on the head: โ€œToo many people avoid exercise because of pain, but the solution isnโ€™t to stop movingโ€”itโ€™s to move smarter.โ€

With the right combination of stretching, strength training, and natural remedies like Puressentielโ€™s plant-based products, you can stay active, manage pain, and get back to enjoying life without all the aches.

The bottom line? Reducing your chance of pain isnโ€™t about doing lessโ€”itโ€™s about doing what works for you.

So, get moving, start small, and keep those muscles and joints happy!