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The New Normal: Why More People Are Wearing Gym Clothes Outside the Gym

Stylish woman in athleisure outfit on a city street

Once upon a time, gym clothes had one job: to get sweaty. But these days, it seems like everyone is rocking their workout gear just about everywhere—whether they’re lifting weights, running errands, or even grabbing a bite with friends.

And honestly, who can blame them? If you’ve ever slipped on a pair of leggings or a well-fitted hoodie, you know the appeal.

According to new research from R3 Sport, a sports and entertainment group, more than a quarter (26%) of UK adults are all about wearing gym clothes outside of exercising.

Woman in fitness attire greeting friends in urban setting, showcasing active lifestyle and friendship

Now, let’s break it down: about a third (33%) of people admit they’ve been wearing gym clothes more often over the past couple of years—even when they’re not hitting the gym. And why is that? Well, nearly three-quarters (73%) say it’s all about comfort.

Let’s face it: stretchy, breathable fabrics beat stiff, scratchy materials any day of the week. If your clothes feel like a cosy second skin, it’s hard to go back to anything else.

But there’s more to it than just feeling good. About 35% say wearing gym clothes fits their lifestyle better.

Picture this: you’re working from home, bouncing between Zoom calls, walking the dog, and picking up groceries.

What’s easier than throwing on a comfy outfit that works for all of that? For many, the days of squeezing into office wear or wrestling with a belt buckle are over—especially when 23% admit that working from home has totally changed how they dress.

And let’s not forget, activewear isn’t just comfortable; it’s pretty stylish too. With 34% saying gym clothes have become more fashionable, it’s clear this isn’t just a trend for the yoga mat anymore.

Check out why people are loving this shift to gym clothes outside of exercising:

Why People Are Wearing Gym Clothes More OftenPercentage of People Who Agree
They are more comfortable73%
They suit my lifestyle better35%
They are more fashionable34%
I work from home, so I don’t need formal wear23%
There’s more variety than regular clothes17%
Started during COVID and stuck with it12%
Other people are doing it, so why not?6%

R3 Sport’s research also points out some interesting tidbits about gym-goers. Over one in five (22%) people regularly go to the gym to work out, but here’s the twist: 28% of these folks show up in their gym gear with no actual plan to exercise. It’s like they’re getting all the perks of looking like they’re about to break a sweat without ever actually doing it. Classic.

And then there are those who are all about efficiency. About 40% of gym enthusiasts say they roll in and out of the gym wearing the same clothes—no locker room wardrobe changes here.

Meanwhile, 32% are sticking to the old-school “change when you get there and change again when you leave” routine, and 27% say they “usually” follow suit. But let’s be real, if you’re in gym clothes that look and feel good, why bother changing?

The research shows that nearly half (44%) of people end up wearing their gym clothes for up to an hour before or after hitting the gym.

Another 29% stick around in their activewear for one to two hours, while 15% stretch it out for two to three hours.

What does this mean? It’s clear that wearing gym clothes outside of exercising is becoming the new normal—a lifestyle choice, not just a pit stop between workouts.

And this trend isn’t going anywhere. About 11% of UK adults reckon they’ll be wearing gym clothes even more often in the next couple of years.

Over half (54%) don’t expect to see any major changes in how often they sport their gym wear, while 14% are keeping an eye on fashion trends to see where it all goes.

As Jonathan Rowland, co-founder and chairman of R3 Sport, puts it: “Be it on the school run, at work, or even out for dinner, activewear as everyday wear is becoming increasingly popular.

Our research shows that gym wear is no longer reserved for the treadmill as more people consider their gym clothes part of their everyday wardrobe.”

And why not? Today’s activewear isn’t just about getting fit; it’s about feeling good, looking good, and living life on your own terms.

With so many colours, fabrics, and designs to choose from, it’s easier than ever to find gym clothes that make you feel ready for anything—even if that “anything” is just lounging on the couch.

For those looking to stay on top of the latest activewear trends or find the best deals on stylish gym gear, swing by R3 Sport’s website at

Who knows? You might just find your new favourite pair of joggers—or the perfect hoodie for that next coffee run.