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The UK’s Only Annual Disability Sports Awards Return to London This November

This November 25th, the curtains at Sohoplace Theatre in London will rise not just for a show but for a celebration that’s a bit different. It’s the annual Variety Disability Sports Awards, the only event of its kind in the UK dedicated solely to lauding the feats of disabled athletes.

Partnered with Channel 4 and buzzing with the fresh energy from the 2024 Paris Paralympics, this evening promises to be more than just handing out trophies—it’s about storytelling, acknowledging grit, and setting the stage for heroes who redefine the possible.

Here’s what’s on the playbook for the night: A lineup of at least ten awards waits to be claimed.

We’re talking about a spectrum that acknowledges every layer of talent and dedication in the realm of disabled sports:

  • Rising Star Award — Spotting the newcomers who are set to be the game changers.
  • Innovation Award — Celebrating clever, outside-the-box thinking that pushes sports forward.
  • Unsung Hero Award — Giving a nod to the stalwarts who fuel the spirit of sports without fanfare.
  • Outstanding Team Achievement Award — Because sometimes, it’s all about the team.
  • Inspiration Award — For those whose stories light fires in others.
  • Outstanding Individual Achievement Award — Saluting singular excellence that inspires awe and respect.

Nominations will draw to a close on September 20th, with the community eagerly awaiting the shortlist in early October.

And there’s more—four special awards will be decided with inputs from our partners, ensuring that every angle of contribution is recognised.

The evening’s charm will be further enhanced by none other than Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, a legend in her own right, who’ll grace the event as a presenter.

Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson
Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson

Her presence is not just about star quality; it’s a profound nod to the legacy and future of disability sports.

For those wishing to be a part of this grand affair, a limited stash of tickets is up for grabs. This isn’t just an event; it’s an invitation to witness history in the making and support the cause.

The proceeds are destined to aid Variety’s mission to equip children with disabilities with the necessary gear and opportunities to thrive in sports.

Tushar Prabhu, Variety Trustee Co-Chair and the man orchestrating the Awards, puts it brilliantly, “This year is not just significant; it’s historic for disability sports.

We’re set to catapult our athletes into new realms of recognition and inspire countless others to reach for their sporting dreams.

And while the scales of sport and disability are tipping towards equality, there’s still ground to cover. These awards aren’t just a celebration; they’re a clarion call for inclusivity and support.”

So, mark your calendars, snag a ticket, and dive into the heart of the action. For more details, scoot over to Variety’s Disability Sports Awards 2024 or learn more about Variety and their noble cause at