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Why Nearly Half of British Professionals Are Ditching Store-Bought Meals For The Good Old Fashioned Packed Lunch

Office worker open lunch box at desk

Ladies and gentlemen, step aside for the return of the mighty packed lunch! It’s sweeping through Britain faster than a cold front in January, and here’s why: nearly half of our diligent desk jockeys have ditched the deli lines to embrace the art of sandwich crafting.

Yep, you heard right—48% of working Brits are now rolling up their sleeves and layering up those sarnies themselves.

Why the change, you ask? It’s simply about saving pounds—and lots of them! Stashing a homemade lunch into your daily gear can save you a whopping £960 annually. That’s not just peanuts—although peanuts could be a great addition to your lunchbox, mind you.

And let’s talk health—because, let’s face it, those store-bought munches aren’t always on speaking terms with your waistline.

A solid 35% of homemade lunch lovers are slicing calories, not just bread, by avoiding those sneaky ultra-processed pitfalls lurking in takeaways and café counters.

The packed lunch brigade is not just munching on any old ham and cheese. Oh no, we’re talking gourmet domestic bliss between two slices of bread: egg salad tops the charts, closely tailed by ham salad and the ever-creamy chicken mayonnaise.

But wait, there’s more! Our fruit game is strong too. Bananas, apples, and grapes are stashed into Tupperwares across the land, proving you can keep it healthy and not have to forage through the work fridge.

Despite our love for tradition with a side of cheese and onion crisps, there’s a cry for variety—nearly half are itching to spice up their lunchboxes with new fillings and swap bread for pittas and wraps now and then.

Mark Williams of British Lion Eggs sums it up neatly: “After the summer splurge, Brits are hankering for something that’s gentle on the wallet yet hefty on health.

And what could be simpler or more satisfying than a classic egg sandwich packed with protein and vitamins?”

So, as we tuck into our lovingly prepared lunches in our sturdy Tupperware, let’s celebrate not just the savings and the health benefits, but the sheer joy of eating something made at home. Because when it comes to lunch, homemade is where the heart—and health—is!