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UK Company Launches Fastest And Most Affordable At-Home Infertility Test

MALE_MALE Fertility Kit

UK company Newfoundland has launched the fastest and most affordable at-home fertility test to hit the market.

The new test, which is available over the counter, gives fertility results in just five minutes and boasts 98.2 per cent accuracy.

One in six people are affected by infertility issues and this month is World Infertility Awareness Month, an entire month dedicated to increasing awareness of the many fertility issues experienced by couples across the globe.

Newfoundland, a UK company on a mission to create a self-diagnostic culture, has designed the test to provide an easier and faster process to traditional fertility testing, a cheaper alternative to specialist appointments and to also alleviate pressure on the NHS.

The male test kit is the cheapest on the market and is available at Tesco, Amazon and online priced at £12.49, the closest alternative to Newfoundland’s product costs £14.99, with others in excess of £180.

Co-founder and MD of Newfoundland, Frederick Manduca, said: “We want to provide people with the opportunity and knowledge to know as much about their fertility health as currently, it can take over a year of trying to conceive before the NHS begins testing your fertility.

Our new Male Fertility test will give men the opportunity to understand more about their fertility and seek the right medical advice if needed. People can now get their results in under five minutes in the comfort of their homes, without having to spend a fortune. 

“These easy-to-use home tests will give you the peace of mind you need or the tools and knowledge to speak to your doctor about your fertility and options.

World Infertility Awareness Month is the perfect time to empower people to know as much as possible about their fertility and debunk any stigmas around it.” 

Frontline NHS doctor, Dr Emeka Okorocha, said: “The pandemic has played a huge role in how seriously we take our health. With lateral flow tests becoming a normal part of daily life, it’s no surprise that more of the nation is open to at-home testing for a myriad of health concerns.

“At-home testing is a great first step towards taking control of your health, as well as alleviating some of the pressure on the NHS. By going to your GP armed with a test result, you can speed up the process of diagnosis, saving both NHS time and, in some cases, allowing you to spot more serious health conditions early enough that treatments are much more effective.”

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has found one in six people worldwide experience infertility and unfortunately over 3.5 million Brits suffer from some form of fertility problem, affecting one in seven couples.

For those struggling to conceive, it is usually recommended to wait a year without success before testing or going to see a specialist. But, to help couples get a better understanding of their fertility sooner, self-testing experts Newfoundland have launched the five-minute at-home fertility tests for both men and women.

Female fertility tests can help to track menstrual cycles and fertility by monitoring various changes in the body that are indicative of ovulation, such as changes in basal body temperature and hormone levels.

The most common male fertility issue is a low sperm count and so this should be tested if struggling to conceive naturally. Less than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen is classed as a low sperm count and around one in three couples will struggle with this when attempting to conceive.

Male Fertility Test

The rapid Male Fertility Test Kit assesses low or normal sperm count levels with over 98% accuracy. This is done through a semen sample being placed onto a test cassette via a pipette – similar to the covid lateral flow process.

After just five minutes results will be shown with two lines showing a normal sperm count level (15 million sperm per millilitre of semen) and one line showing a below-normal sperm count level.

The test kit is available at Tesco, Amazon and online for £12.49.

Female Fertility Test

The Ovulation Test kit is a fast, incredibly accurate (over 99% accuracy) home ovulation predictor kit that measures the levels of luteinising hormone (LH) in the body in just five minutes through a urine sample. It is when LH levels are at their peak, that pregnancy is most likely to occur.

Ovulation involves the release of an egg from the ovaries which must be fertilised by sperm within 24 hours after its release for pregnancy to occur.

Immediately before the egg is released, large quantities of luteinising hormone (LH) are released into the body and as heightened LH levels are detected it can indicate the best time to try and conceive.

This self-test kit includes five test devices for £9.95 and is available online at