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The UK Cities Most Likely To Suffer A Hangover At Christmas

christmas drinks

From prosecco to mulled wine, we all love a cheeky alcoholic beverage or two at Christmas time. 

However, that merry feeling booze brings can often result in a rotten hangover the next day, leaving thousands of us searching for a hangover cure so we can enjoy the festivities without needing to vomit! 

In fact, searches for hangover cures increased by 83% last December. 

But which cities are most at risk of a hangover this Christmas? YourZooki took to Google search data to find out how many people in each city were searching for the term “hangover cures” per year. 

Top 10 hungover cities in the UK: 

RankLocationOverall Annual SearchesSearches per 1,000 of city population

To help these hungover cities, YourZooki has enlisted the help of nutritionist Amanda Callenberg, who has provided her top tips to curing a hangover.

“With Christmas being a time for celebrations and indulgence, many of us consume a bit too much alcohol over the festive period, often leading to unpleasant hangovers with symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, dry mouth, nausea and vomiting – which none of us wants to experience over Christmas time! 

“Although alcohol is perfectly safe to enjoy in moderate amounts, it does contain the toxic chemical ethanol – a diuretic which means it helps our body to get rid of fluids.

When we become severely dehydrated our bodies can’t remove these toxins, so they stay circulating in our bodies. It is this dehydration that causes such classic hangover symptoms.

“The best way to avoid a hangover over the Christmas period is to know your limits and limit how much alcohol you drink in one sitting.

However, we all know how hard this can be when there is an unlimited supply of prosecco in the kitchen, so other ways you can lessen, and possibly speed up your hangover recovery are:

  1. Eat a balanced meal before you begin drinking: Include fat, protein, and carbohydrates as food in the stomach slows down the absorption of alcohol (this shouldn’t be hard over Christmas!).
  2. Hydrate: Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it causes higher levels of urination leading to dehydration. Drink plenty of water, before, during and the day after drinking to keep yourself well hydrated. Aim to drink a glass of water between drinks and have at least one big glass of water before going to sleep.
  3. Replace lost nutrients: Load up on lots of fresh fruit and vegetables the next day to give yourself a vitamin boost and replace the vital electrolytes and nutrients lost due to excess urination. Supplementing with water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C and the B vitamins may also be helpful to make sure you’re replacing the vitamins lost from increased urinary excretion. Being depleted in Vitamin C can cause tiredness & fatigue, a weakened immune system and difficulties concentrating.
  4. Have a hearty breakfast the following day. Alcohol can inhibit glucose production causing low levels of blood sugar, so make sure you have a good hearty breakfast the next day, or a snack before bed, to maintain your blood sugar levels.”